Letractively / noweco

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/noweco
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----------------- COMPILE - You can simply build the project with following command : mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip

If you want to run the test, you need a lotus notes connection then run the following commands : export NOWECO_LOTUS_USERNAME=_your_username export NOWECO_LOTUS_PASSWORD=_yourpassword export NOWECO_LOTUS_URL=_url_to_lotus_loginpage

Next 2 lines can be skipped if you have a direct access to internet

export NOWECO_PROXY_HOST=_proxyhost export NOWECO_PROXY_PORT=_proxyport mvn clean install

----------------- DEVELOP - Noweco use UTF-8 charset encoding. Before using 'release.sh' script you have to add in file '~/.m2/settings.xml' the following server
