LetsGetTechnical / gridiron-survivor

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FEE: Make a selection page dynamic data #316

Open shashilo opened 1 month ago

shashilo commented 1 month ago

Problem statement: Player wants to see a list of the week's NFL schedule, which teams are playing against one another, and which teams they have available to select from.

Acceptance Criteria:



chris-nowicki commented 1 month ago

@shashilo I assume this is the pics page where we have /picks?leagueId=784302390hfdjdald so for this route I am just adding /picks?leagueId=784302390hfdjdald&week=2 or something like that so we can filter out that week of picks?


chris-nowicki commented 1 month ago

blocked: waiting on decision for how we use dynamic routes (and the route plan) from @shashilo