Letterboxd / letterboxd-ios-x-callback-url

X-Callback URL scheme for Letterboxd iOS app
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Letterboxd iOS X-Callback-URL Support

As of version 2.0, Letterboxd for iOS adds x-callback-url support.


Following the x-callback-url specification, the scheme for Letterboxd iOS is:

letterboxd://x-callback-url/[action]?[action parameters]&[x-callback parameters]







Add a new log entry (diary entry or review) for a film.


Note: For Boolean parameters, use true or false as parameter values, e.g. rewatch=true

x-callback parameters

This is optional but recommended for better user experience

x-callback-url defines several parameters with specific purposes, all of which are optional. These parameters should be passed as query parameters in the URL using the format key1=value1&key2=value2. All values should be URL-encoded strings.


Some example uses of the URL scheme in action.

Drafts actions

Search Letterboxd Search the selected text in the Letterboxd app. Supported values for the type parameter are film, member, list, review, contributor (cast & crew) or all.

Add Film to Watchlist Opens the Letterboxd app and uses the selected text to search for a film to add to your Watchlist. Following confirmation of the correct title, the film is added to your Watchlist and you are returned to the Drafts app.

Log Film with Review Converts Markdown text to HTML, then opens the Letterboxd app and performs a search using the title of the note as the film name. Following confirmation of the correct film, a new review is populated.

Apple Shortcuts (was Workflow)

As of iOS 12, our native app supports a few simple Shortcuts (search, log a film, add to watchlist) which get donated to the system as you perform them. The workflows below employ the older x-callback-url approach from the Workflow app and are for more advanced use:

Search for Film

Log Film

Add Film to Watchlist

Add multiple Films to Watchlist

Log Review from input (compatible with Apple Watch!)


If you find any faults or wish to suggest improvements, please open an Issue.