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Graphing Data #10

Closed Wat-Poods closed 7 years ago

Wat-Poods commented 8 years ago

We switched form trying to figure out a way to dynamically display data to instead using static images on Sunday. I think we need to return to this concept. I can take charge to research options.

BayoAdejare commented 8 years ago

I second this and would like to help in the research.

Wat-Poods commented 8 years ago

List of possible charting software that we can use to start:

http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/ https://plot.ly/ https://www.amcharts.com/javascript-charts/ https://d3js.org/ https://www.udacity.com/course/data-visualization-and-d3js--ud507 https://elegantt.com/ http://nvd3.org/ https://davidwalsh.name/angular-charts

lottspot commented 7 years ago

nvd3 wins! For now. In any case, it's what we've launched the MVP with, and I think we can consider this issue resolved