Lever-age / leverage

Empower citizens of Philadelphia to use campaign finance data when making informed decisions about who they donate to, who they support, and who they vote for.
20 stars 10 forks source link

Collaboration Workflow

This workflow governs code changes across the project

  1. Create your own working branch of the repository
  2. Pick a piece of work out of the backlog
  3. Do the work against your working branch
  4. Push the working branch to GitHub
  5. Open a Pull Request against the main working branch
  6. Teammate reviews the PR
    • If review approved, teammate merges PR
    • If changes requested, return to step 3

Issues Workflow

All work needing to be done should have an associated GitHub issue. Every issue must be labeled with one of each of the following types of label:

Project components

Issue types

Work status workflow

ready ──────────────────────┐
 ↓                          │
in progress ←→ blocked ─────┤
 ↓↑                         │
awaiting review ────────────┤
 ↓                          ↓
completed                abandoned

Work status definitions

Open states

Closed states

Bug status workflow

Bugs have an additional status flow which exists alongside the work status flow:

reported ─────────┬───────────┐
 ↓                ↓           ↓
reproduced ← needs info → is a feature

What's important to note is in addition to always having a work status tag (as tasks do), bugs will also always have a bug status tag. Each status tag serves a different purpose.

Bug status definitions

Bug workflow notes