LiYanan2004 / MarkdownView

Rendering Markdown text natively in SwiftUI.
MIT License
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cmark commonmark markdown swift swiftui


MarkdownView is a Swift Package for rendering Markdown natively in SwiftUI.

Thanks to apple/swift-markdown, it can fully compliant with the CommonMark Spec.

Here is a preview :)

Supported Platforms

You can use MarkdownView in the following platforms:

Highlighted Features

Getting started

You can create a Markdown view by providing a Markdown-formatted string.

MarkdownView(text: "This is the Apple's **newly published** [swift-markdown](")

If your Markdown have check boxes, you can provide a Binding string.

@State var text = """
- [x] Write the press release
- [ ] Update the website
- [ ] Contact the media
MarkdownView(text: $text)

For more information, Check out Documentation

Further Customization


You can set custom fonts or change text styles.

MarkdownView(text: "# H1 title")
    .font(.largeTitle.weight(.black), for: .h1)


Default tint color for code blocks and block quotes is the accent color.

You can customize them explicitly.

MarkdownView(text: "> Quote and `inline code`")
    .tint(.pink, for: .inlineCodeBlock)

Add Custom Providers

You can add your custom image providers and block directive providers to display your content.

To do that, first create your provider.

struct CustomImageProvider: ImageDisplayable {
    func makeImage(url: URL, alt: String?) -> some View {
        AsyncImage(url: url) {
            switch $0 {
            case .empty: ProgressView()
            case .success(let image): image.resizable()
            case .failure(let error): Text(error.localizedDescription)
            @unknown default: Text("Unknown situation")

Then apply your provider to MarkdownView.

MarkdownView(text: markdownText)
    .imageProvider(CustomImageProvider(), forURLScheme: "my-image")

The implementation of the block directive is exactly the same way.


Swift Package Manager

In your Package.swift Swift Package Manager manifest, add the following dependency to your dependencies argument:

.package(url: "", .branch("main")),

Add the dependency to any targets you've declared in your manifest:

.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["MarkdownView"]),
