LiamKarlMitchell / InfiniteSky

InfiniteSky is an open-source mmorpg project, It is written in Node.JS
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 42 forks source link

NOTE: This readme is not too helpful in setting up the server anymore. Someone needs to update it.



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InfiniteSky is an open-source project, based on public functionality of Twelve Sky. It is written in Node.JS

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Donations will be used to further improve the project or for server expenses.


1.1.00 - Fruit Salad


InfiniteSky uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

If you need a runtime debuger, I would suggest node-inspector Example usage: npm install node-inspector -g node-debug main


Please Note: These Instructions are very out of date. Contact us for more information on how to develop on this project.

Video Guide I will make another video when I can as this one has poor quality.

To setup with git check see Git Setup

Install Node.js & MongoDB

If you have not already Currently using Node.js v0.10.26

Don't use the one from apt-get on linux, I have had experiences with it being quite out of date.

See the following links:

Some assumptions are that you know how to do basic file management and use the command prompt or terminal. As well as download and install files. We suggest setting up your code somewhere like c:\node\projects and check out Infinite Sky using a GIT client.

Server is currently untested on linux. I have been running it on Windows 7

git clone [git-repo-url] InfiniteSky
cd InfiniteSky
npm install
mkdir data
mkdir data/infos
mkdir data/packets
mkdir data/spawninfo
mkdir data/world

or maybe mkdir -p data/world data/infos data/packets data/spawninfo data/world

To setup mongodb what I did was create a data directory in the mongo db directory. Then I make a bat script like this

title Mongodb
bin\mongod.exe --dbpath "data"

or you could use sh script like this on linux

./bin/mongod --dbpath "./data"

By running that script you can easily start the database server for InfiniteSky.

You will also need to create the ts1 db collection and user. To do that run mongo or cd bin then type ./mongo if your on linux. Then type in the following commands.

use ts1
db.createUser({user: "ts1", pwd: "ts1", roles: ["readWrite"]})

Get files to data directorys you made

for more information on these see Directory Documentation

Configure. Instructions in

copy the config.json-dist file and rename it to config.json and edit it accordingly

cp config.json-dist config.json

For more info see Config Documentation

Replace the following in the config "PUT YOUR INTERNAL IP HERE" with your ip address you can find it by doing ipconfig and looking at your interfaces ip. "PUT YOUR NETWORK MASK HERE" Your nemask in cider notation. For example "" is "PUT YOUR EXTERNAL IP HERE" Get your external ip by googling what is my ip and putting the result in here. This is required for other people to connect to your server. Otherwise use your internal IP if running on lan.

Configure Plugins. Instructions in following files

node app


Main Documentation in docs/index.html Restruct Documentation Scripting Documentation

Create account

You will want to create some game accounts too use. To make a GM account use

/createaccount Name Password 100

The 100 us the level.

Try also /help for other commands. If you want information on game info try infos.Item[1].Name or other attributes.


The server will take a while to start, be patient.

Style Guide

We should style our code like so Idiomatic.js Style Guide, there are places where we may not have written code this way in existing code. I recommend you fix these in existing code or in the case of a pull request tell the author to fix it up.

Recommended sublime plug-ins:

Coming Soon


