LiamWellacott / CDT2019-ERL

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Grasping #49

Closed erolley-parnell closed 1 year ago

erolley-parnell commented 3 years ago


Grasping specific high level tasks/benchmarks

Getting to know my home

The robot must detect new changes in the environment, and update the semantic map of the apartment, within a limited time frame. The task shall be performed by the robot autonomously, though it may include moments of symbiotic interaction with a user in the apartment, e.g., to learn more ab out an object or a location. At the end of the knowledge acquisition phase, the robot must show the understanding of the new environment, namely by handling one of the changed objects.

Possible actions include:

Welcoming visitors

The robot needs to handle a set of known and unknown visitors, who will arrive individually at the home entrance in random sequence. The robot must correctly recognise the known visitors and interact with the unknown visitors to identify them and understand their purpose of visit. The robot must then perform a set of visitor-specific behaviours that could range from manipulating and delivering of objects to guiding and following the visitors.

Possible actions include:


Catering for Granny Annie's comfort

This task aims at providing general purpose requests of Granny Annie inside the apartment. It focuses on the integration of different robot abilities such as human-robot interaction, navigation and robot-object interaction. After waking up in the morning, Granny Annie calls the attention of the robot by touching a button on a tablet computer. When the robot arrives, she gives a single speech command composing of three actions from the following three categories:

  1. Finding an item or a person in the apartment

  2. Manipulating and delivering an object

  3. Accompanying a person in side or outside the apartment

These three actions are randomly generated into a single command using a command generator in no predefined order. The robot is required to understand the actions and execute them accordingly.

Possible actions include:

Visiting my home

This task benchmark focuses on safe navigation in dynamic environments, obstacle avoidance, tracking and recognising a person and human following and guiding navigation modes. In this task, the robot should visit a set of predefined way points while avoiding and/or interacting with different obstacles based on the nature of the obstacle. Furthermore, the robot must interact and follow a previously unknown person outside the arena through a small crowd and then guide that person back to the arena. The following information about the obstacles blocking the path of the robot is provided below:

(Objects will be available to the teams during the setup days)

Possible actions include:

For Functional Benchmark

Data Provided by Competition

Sequence of action


Summary of Required Actions


Required Inputs

Robot State instruction

Door state

Current pose

RGB-D point cloud

Object instance and class

Object pose

Object Goal Pose

Produced Outputs

Manipulator Way Points

Grasp Points

Note: The competition allows re-grasping, if the object is dropped, the robot may make multiple attempts.

LiamWellacott commented 3 years ago

Regarding "Getting to know my home" possible actions. These are not robot actions, this is what might be changed in the room and the robot needs to detect the changes. I think the only manipulation relevant problem in the first task is picking up the changed object.

3D models of all objects in digital format.

Did the rulebook point you to where these can be found? Also are these two sections Data Provided and Sequence of Action missing a heading? it seems like they are the functional benchmark?

erolley-parnell commented 3 years ago

Regarding "Getting to know my home" possible actions. These are not robot actions, this is what might be changed in the room and the robot needs to detect the changes. I think the only manipulation relevant problem in the first task is picking up the changed object.

3D models of all objects in digital format.

Did the rulebook point you to where these can be found? Also are these two sections Data Provided and Sequence of Action missing a heading? it seems like they are the functional benchmark?

This is all I could find in the handbook:

(4.6.2) A set of 3D-printed objects of different shapes will be used for this bench mark. The 3D models of all objects, in digital format, will be available to the teams before the competition allowing them to train their robots in simulation or in real-world by 3D-printing the objects. Furthermore, objects are also provided to the teams during the setup days.

I'll sort the headers