LiamWellacott / CDT2019-ERL

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CDT2019-ERL / Granny Annie's Android Nanny (GAAN)

This is a competition entry for the European Robotic League and part of our PhD work at the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. The goal of this project is to produce a software system which is:

In the end we didn't manage to create a competition ready system, but we learned a lot which we hope can be used for other teams to help them get started with the competition. In particular this repo provides:

Project documentation

Setup and run guides

check the readme in docker for information on using that environment. I also tried to make a "setup your local machine guide" in in case you have issues with the docker environment.

On the test framework

Our idea was to design a number of "simple" scenarios to help bridge the gap between functional benchmarks and the full competition tasks. Currently we have only implemented a single scenario which we call "restricted task 3". In addition to providing the virtual environment we have also implemented enough of a "fake RSBB" so you can receieve a score for running the scenario (TODO). We hope this provides a tool for validating your system.

To run the test scenario, in first terminal run:

roslaunch sim_launch restricted_task_3.launch

Allow the simulation to launch, arm to tuck, adjust any visuals. Then run:

roslaunch fake_rssbb restricted_task_3.launch

The score will be returned by the service calls and available in the controller, you could implement this as an automated test case by comparing the score to an expected score for each part of the scenario.

Other Project Sites for team members

General Resources