Catmandu::Exporter::Table - ASCII/Markdown table exporter
With catmandu command line client:
echo '{"one":"my","two":"table"} {"one":"is","two":"nice"}' | \
catmandu convert JSON --multiline 1 to Table
| one | two |
| my | table |
| is | nice |
catmandu convert CSV to Table --fields id,name --columns ID,Name < sample.csv
| ID | Name |
| 23 | foo |
| 42 | bar |
| 99 | doz |
In Perl scripts:
use Catmandu::Exporter::Table;
my $exp = Catmandu::Exporter::Table->new;
$exp->add({ title => "The Hobbit", author => "Tolkien" });
$exp->add({ title => "Where the Wild Things Are", author => "Sendak" });
$exp->add({ title => "One Thousand and One Nights" });
| author | title |
| Tolkien | The Hobbit |
| Sendak | Where the Wild Things Are |
| | One Thousand and One Nights |
This Catmandu::Exporter exports data in tabular form, formatted in MultiMarkdown syntax.
The output can be used for simple display, for instance to preview Excel files
on the command line. Use Pandoc too
further convert to other table formats, e.g. latex
, html5
, mediawiki
catmandu convert XLS to Table < sheet.xls | pandoc -t html5
By default columns are sorted alphabetically by field name.
Standard options of Catmandu:Exporter
Write table in condense format with unaligned columns.
Field names as comma-separated list or array reference.
Column names as comma-separated list or array reference. By default field names are used as column names.
Include header lines. Enabled by default.
Column widths as comma-separated list or array references. Calculated from all rows by default. Long cell values can get truncated with this option.
Supply fields and (optionally) columns in a JSON Table Schema as JSON file or hash reference having the following structure:
"fields: [
{ "name": "field-name-1", "title": "column title 1 (optional)" },
{ "name": "field-name-2", "title": "column title 2 (optional)" },
This module is based on Text::MarkdownTable.
Similar Catmandu Exporters for tabular data include Catmandu::Exporter::CSV, Catmandu::Exporter::XLS, and Catmandu::Exporter::XLSX.
Copyright Jakob Voss, 2014-
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.