Discord Music Bot that still works. Still in development, and will probably forever be something you need to host for your own server (or not, idk.)
I am still very new to programming, especialy with the two languages I am using here, so if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, you are more than welcome to inform me.
Feel free to do whatever you want with this, since this is just a fun project im doing to practice.
You need to download the files into your computer (Or wherever you wanna hvae the bot hosted), since, as of right now, the intetion is for the bot to be supported only on a single server (this is mainly due to the limitations of the method used, and my abilities)
Make Sure you have the latest python and node.js versions installed
You'll need the Discord and PyNaCl libraries for python, and youtube-sr and ytdl-core for node.js
You need to make discord bot (https://discord.com/developers/applications) (google how to if you don't know how)
Replace the token inside the "Audio Bot.py" file, at the "bot.run('Your Discord Token'), with the token discord generated for you.
Invite the bot to your server, launch the "Audio Bot.py" Code, and have fun.
The only command (semi-)working right now is the !play command, but more functionality will (most likely) come in the future