Liby99 / geometry-sketchpad

A Cross-Platform Geometry Sketchpad written in Rust using specs
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geometry piston rust specs

Geometry Sketchpad

A Cross-Platform Sketchpad written in Rust using specs


(P.S. The screen shot is from IMO 1959 Problem 5)

How to build/run


$ cargo run --bin geopad-foundation --release

If you are using a Windows machine, you can do

$ cargo run --bin geopad-win --release

We also have an Electron port. You can type

$ cd app/electron
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm start

to run the electron app.

How to use

See interaction scheme.

Code Structure

core folder stores the core libraries of Geometry Sketchpad. core-lib includes only the bare minimal of the systems, components, resources, auxilliary data structures, and events to get the system working. core-ui wraps around core-lib and provide all UI abstraction for the user to interact with the system.

app folder includes the executable applications. Currently we have three applications: