Licshee / 404

The WWW "404 NOT FOUND" project
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What is all this about?

This is a place supposed to be where we memorialize the history of 404 pages we grow together with.

Currently we have a page mimics dat ol' 404 page from IIS 5.0, in fact it is the ACTUAL 404 message for this entire site.


Someday during the 2018 Chinese New Year Fest. I suddenly realized that it's almost impossible for anyone nowadays to see the old IIS 404 page anymore, nor the IE5/6 404 page...

So I decided to bring the old IIS one back to poke some fun & mark the unforgettable old days back then we fight for & against the Microsoft web stack.


As of when I started writing this note, the current 404.html is completely handcrafted, tho I put some effort into it to make the page looks identical to the old one from IIS 5.0.

Anything else?

I hope I can bring more typical "404" or other error pages to the site in the future, including the IE ones and IIS ones beside 5.0/404b.htm.

If I can get permit I may also add some samples of funny 404 pages from websites all over the globe, or link to ones if copying is not permitted.