LidkeLab / BaGoL

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"High-Precision Estimation of Emitter Positions using Bayesian Grouping of Localizations"

Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J. Wester, David J. Schodt, Sebastian Restrepo Cruz, Sebastian Strauss, Florian Schueder, Thomas Schlichthaerle, Jennifer M. Gillette, Diane S. Lidke, Bernd Rieger, Ralf Jungmann, Keith A. Lidke

NOTE on Code Availability:

smite (Single Molecule Imaging Toolbox Extraordinaire) on GitHub ( includes the most current version of BaGoL, modified to integrate in with other smite functionality. Future improvements to MATLAB BaGoL will be made there.

Algorithm Overview:

Single molecule localization microscopy super-resolution methods such as DNA-PAINT and (d)STORM generate multiple observed localizations over the time course of data acquisition from each dye or binding site that are nor a priori assigned to those specific dyes or binding sites. BaGoL implements a Bayesian method of grouping and combining localizations from multiple blinking/binding events that can improve localization precision to better than one naometer. BaGoL allows inclusion of prior knowledge such as distribution of the number of localizations per emitter and the localization precisions.

The algorithm is comprised of several steps depicted in the figure (png-file). First, the list of localizations are split into smaller subsets. Second, the outliers are recognized as localizations with less than a certain number of neighbors within a certain distance. Third, localizations within each subset are further split into preclusters using hierarchical clustering algorithm. Fourth, each precluster is processed using RJMCMC. Fifth, the chain from all the preclusters are combined to produce posterior and MAPN images. The figure "Data_Flow" describes these steps.

We tested several other common algorithm for the porpuse of grouping and combining of the localizations and BaGoL did better than all of them. This method can be used for about a factor of two precision improvement on a typical dSTORM data set and facilitate further quantitative analysis. When using DNA-PAINT, the method can achieve better than one nanometer precision. We concieve numerous biological applications of the algorithm, such as inspection of protein-protein interactions, etc. While all the detailed description of the functions and parameters of BaGoL are provided within the software, here, we provide a brief description of the method, parameters and implementation.

Software Package Description:

The software package contains code and example scripts for the Baysian Grouping of Localizations (BaGoL) analysis method.

Software Package: The algorithm codes and a pre-compliled mex execuatable needed for frame connection.
The @BaGoL sub-folder contains a MATLAB class definition for the algorithm

REQUIREMENTS: Windows 64 bit OS MATLAB 64 bit MATLAB Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox The algorithm was tested using MATLAB R2018a and will likely run on any later version.

Download the Software Package. In MATLAB change directories to the BaGoL folder.

dSTORM data of EGF receptors, DNA Origami and simulated 8-mer data. These data are used by the demos. More data are available at the Nature Communication website published along the paper.

To run the demos, change directory to the 'Software Package' folder, open the scripts in MATLAB and run them or type the name of the scripts in a command window. The 'Expected Results' folder contains the output produced by the authors running the examples below. Due to the random nature of Monte Carlo technique, the BaGoL results won't be identical to those in the Expected_Results folder.

BaGoL_MPI_Origami.m: Analysis of localizations from an experimental MPI DNA-Origami
structure data. This show a basic hierarchical BaGoL data flow. The results will be saved in the Results_MPI folder. Scale bars are 20 nm. Run time is ~5 min.

The script should produce: SR_Im.png: Traditional super-resolution image. Post-Im.png: Posterior image or histogram image of the chain (weighted average over all models). MAPN-Im.png: MAPN image which is the image of localizations from the most likely model. Overlay_SR_Map.png: Overlay of grayscale SR-image and color MAPN image. Overlay_SR_Post.png: Overlay of grayscale SR-image and color posterior image. Overlay_SR_Map_circle.png: Overlay of the SR & MAPN coordinates where every coordinate is represented by a circle located at the given location and a radius of double of the given precision. Xi.png: Distribution of localizations per emitter. NND.png: Histogram of nearest neighbor distances from MAPN-coordinates. BaGoL_X-SE.png: Histogram of X-localization precisions after grouping. BaGoL_Y-SE.png: Histogram of Y-Localization precisions after grouping. LocsScatter-MAPN.fig: Plot of time color-coded localizations and MAPN-coordinates. MAPN.mat: Structure containing the MAPN-coordinates of emitters.

Eight_Mer.m: Animation of the RJMCMC chian for a simulated 8mer data set. It demonstrates the core BaGoL algorithm on a single cluster of localizations. The results will be saved in the Results_Eight_Mer folder. Scale bars are 5 nm. Run time is ~3 min.

The script should produce: An animation of the chain, PreBaGoL_SRImage.png: Traditional super-resolution image. Posterior_SRImage.png: Super-resolution image from Posterior (weighted average over all models). MAPN_SRImage.png: Super-resolution image from MAPN (most likely model).

BaGoL_EGFR_dSTORM.m: Analysis of localizations from a 4660x4660 nm^2 region of dSTORM EGFR data. (To avoid any confusion, we note that in the two previous examples data are saved in nm. However, in this example data is saved in the unit of pixel and we convert them into nm within the script.) This example demonstrates use of hierarchial Bayes to infer number of localizations per emitter distribution from part of the data and then use it to process the entire data set. It takes ~15 mins in total to run this script. The results will be saved in Results_EGFR folder. The outputs are similar to what was described previously with the inclusion of

MAPN_Hist+Random.png Histogram of found NNDs compared to the curve for a random distribution.

Input Parameters and Parameter Adjustments:

BaGoL has a few parameters that need to be carefully adjusted. A good description of the parameters are included in the scripts documentation but they are also presented in the following. The unit for all the lengths are in nm.

Structure containing input data with the following fields:
X: Vector of X localizations (nm),
Y: Vector of Y localizations (nm),
X_SE: Vector of X precisions (nm),
Y_SE: Vector of Y precisions (nm),
FrameNum: Vector of absolute frame numbers.

The given coordinates are split into subregions with the size assigned to ROIsize for speed porpuses. The size of regions are inversely correlated with the density of localizations. (nm) We recommend to pick the ROIsize so that there is not more than ~1000 localizations per ROI.

The size of overlapping region between adjacant subregions. Subregions are overlapped with their neighbors to avoid edge artifacts. The default value usually works for this parameter. (nm) Overlap is often picked to be 10-20 nm depending on the ROIsize and the size of clusters.

The localizations within each subregion are further divided into smaller set using hirerarchical algorithm as a pre-clustering algorithm. Cutoff is the size of the pre-clusters produced. Default is the ROIsize. (nm) If your data is not too dense we suggest use whatever value larger than your ROIsize. If your dataset is dense then you need to set it to a value smaller than your ROIsize so that the localizations within each ROI can be break further into smaller pieces. However, "Cutoff" must not be too small so that this pre-clustering step starts breaking up clusters.

Drift may be presented in the data due to different reasons. BaGoL is able to handle movement of individual emitters where Drift is the maximum movement of an emitter per frame. Use zero when there is no drift or residual drift. (nm/frame).

Localization precisions are often under-estimated in the loclization step. As such, we need to inflate the precisions by a small value of SE_Adjust. Default is zero. (nm)

Number of jumps within burnin portion of the chain for each pre-cluster.

Number of the jumps within the post-burnin chain for each pre-cluster. The post-burnin part of the chain are returned
for further analysis.

PixelSize: The pixel size of the output images. (nm)

Size of the produced posterior image, which is the same as the range of the input data set. (nm)

The algorithm can either learn this parameter from the data itself or take it as an input. The inpout Xi can be either a scalar or a vector with two elements. Given a scalar value, BaGoL will implement a Poisson prior with mean value of Xi for average number of localizations per emitter. Given a vector with two elements, BaGoL wil use a gamma prior for number of localizations per emitter. The product of the vector elements is equal to the average of the number of localizations per emitter. These two parameters gives the user the flexibility of adjusting the shape of the gamma distribution when the distribution shape is not well characterized. When learning Xi, the given values will be used to initialize the corresponding chain. Again if Xi is a scalar it is used to initialize a Poisson prior otherwise a gamma prior.

0 do not learn Xi. 1 learn Xi. Default 0.

1 produces the posterior image. Default is 0.

1 saves the output chain. default is 0. It is recommended not to save the chain because it can take a very large chunk of the memory.


Structure containing some results:
X: Vector of found emitter X positions (nm),
Y: Vector of found emitter Y positions (nm),
X_SE: Vector of precisions for found X emitter positions (nm),
Y_SE: Vector of precisions for found Y emitter positions (nm),
AlphaX: Vector of found X-drift velocities for each emitter (nm/frame),
AlphaY: Vector of found Y-drift velocities for each emitter (nm/frame),
Nmean: Vector of mean number of localizations allocated to each found emitter.

PImage: Posterior image

Cell array containing the BaGoL chain for each pre-cluster

Chain of Xi samples

Note: The software package contain multiple functions to visualize and siplay the results including: makeIm(), dispIm(), genSRMAPNOverlay(), plotMAPN(), plotNND_PDF(), saveBaGoL(). The easiest way to generate reults is using the function "saveBaGoL()", which generates the following plots and images: histogram of NND, histograms of X and Y precisions, plot of Xi chain, SR image using the input localizations, MAPN image using the found emitter positions within the MAPN structure, Posterior image, Overlay image. Detailed description of each function is provided in the corresponding documatations.

If you have questions, please feel free to shoot us an email:
Mohamadreza Fazel:,
Michael Wester:,
Keith Lidke: