Ligerx / TachiWeb-React

React front end for TachiWeb-Server
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react tachiweb-server


React front end for TachiWeb-Server

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App

There are included VSCode configuration files. VSCode will also automatically suggest installing some extensions that are important to this project. These can also be found in the Workplace Recommendations section of the Extensions Tab.

I also use React DevTools and Redux DevTools browser extensions, which are very useful.

Before starting the project, make sure you have a TachiWeb-Server running (on port 4567 for development).

After cloning the project, run npm install

To start the project, run npm start

By default, you can access the project from localhost:3000 in your browser

As of create-react-app and react-scripts 2.0, eslint-config-airbnb's recommended instructions don't work. Currently using this workaround. Link