LightBuzz / Vitruvius

A set of easy-to-use Kinect utilities that will speed-up the development of your projects.
Apache License 2.0
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v1 test app: Moving backwards at depth mode freezes display #14

Open birbilis opened 8 years ago

birbilis commented 8 years ago

When using the Test app with Kinect for Xbox 360, have noticed that at Depth mode, when I move backwards (I'm seated and Kinect is on my desk at first) the display freezes. When I move near again it unfreezes

pmargreff commented 8 years ago

I have been the same problem.

birbilis commented 8 years ago

I only have Kinect v1 (for Xbox 360), does anyone with Kinect v2 see the same behaviour? @pmargreff I assume you mean with Kinect v1 you tried too?

Vangos commented 8 years ago

I'm testing with both sensors. I'll get back to this therad asap.

birbilis commented 8 years ago

in case the Kinect v2 one works but the v1 not, please checkout and test a version before my recent changes to the Kinect v1 solution, in case I broke something (don't remember changing anything regarding that area though). If the older version works, let me know which date works to diff with the new and fix the issue

birbilis commented 8 years ago

btw, had tried to look at it a bit with the debugger, but it was looking as if some algorithm you have there gets too much data or something and takes too long (or maybe gets called too often before having a chance to refresh the display [maybe should do calculations at some background worker or something?])

pmargreff commented 8 years ago

@birbilis I'm getting this error in kinect V2...

Vangos commented 8 years ago

We have been trying to replicate the issue. So:

Everything seems OK.

Could you please describe the exact scenario?

Thanks in advance!

birbilis commented 8 years ago

although @pmargreff says they get it also with Kinect v2, I can only confirm about Kinect v1 (btw, can you update the very old package on NuGet for Kinect v1 with the latest version of Vitruvius for Kinect v1? now only recent one on NuGet is for Kinect v2)

I start seated on my laptop with kinect in front of me nect to the laptop screen at the height of my neck. I push my chair back arround 2 meters and it freezes when in depth mode (the VitruviusTest project of the v1 version I mean)