Final text includes hand selected bolded terms. Some bolded terms are slightly different than what's indicated in glossary. A heads up of these when putting in pop-ups:
[Glossary term → other spelling]
Ambient lighting → ambient light, ambient
Circadian rhythms → circadian rhythm
Color rendering index (CRI) → color rendering, CRI
Final text includes hand selected bolded terms. Some bolded terms are slightly different than what's indicated in glossary. A heads up of these when putting in pop-ups:
[Glossary term → other spelling]
Ambient lighting → ambient light, ambient
Circadian rhythms → circadian rhythm
Color rendering index (CRI) → color rendering, CRI
Color tunable system → color tunable
Cone → cone photoreceptor, cones
CS schedule → CS schedules
Direct lighting → direct light, direct
Dynamic occupant location → dynamic
Free running → free-runs, free-run
Indirect lighting → indirect light, indirect
Intensity distribution → intensity distributions
Luminaires → luminaire
Narrow-band light → narrow-band
Photoreceptor → photoreceptors
Rod → rod photoreceptor, rod photoreceptors, rods
Spectral power distribution (SPD) → SPD
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) → suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN
Task lighting → task, task illumination
Ambient lighting → ambient light, ambient
Vertical illuminance (Ev) → vertical illuminance, Ev
White light → white lights
It would probably be easiest for you to put the definitions in as you're going through and updating the text