Lightning-AI / pytorch-lightning

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PL_bolt LogisticRegression import not working in collab #15517

Closed Paulda07 closed 1 year ago

Paulda07 commented 2 years ago

Bug description

When I try to import the Logistic Regression model from pl_bolt.models I get this error.

My code (in collab):

!pip install pytorch-lightning-bolts from pl_bolts.models.regression import LogisticRegression

The error:

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 from pl_bolts.models import LogisticRegression

3 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pl_bolts/utils/ in 1 import torch ----> 2 from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _module_available 3 4 from pl_bolts.callbacks.verification.batch_gradient import BatchGradientVerification # type: ignore 5

ImportError: cannot import name '_module_available' from 'pytorch_lightning.utilities' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/

How to reproduce the bug

#Tried in collab
!pip install pytorch-lightning-bolts
from pl_bolts.models.regression import LogisticRegression

Error messages and logs

# Error messages and logs here please

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 from pl_bolts.models import LogisticRegression

3 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pl_bolts/utils/ in 1 import torch ----> 2 from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _module_available 3 4 from pl_bolts.callbacks.verification.batch_gradient import BatchGradientVerification # type: ignore 5

ImportError: cannot import name '_module_available' from 'pytorch_lightning.utilities' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/


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    - GPU:
        - Tesla T4
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* Lightning:
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    - pytorch-lightning-bolts: 0.3.2.post1
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    - appdirs:           1.4.4
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    - librosa:           0.8.1
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    - llvmlite:          0.39.1
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    - locket:            1.0.0
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    - msgpack:           1.0.4
    - multidict:         6.0.2
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    - packaging:         21.3
    - palettable:        3.3.0
    - pandas:            1.3.5
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    - pandas-gbq:        0.13.3
    - pandas-profiling:  1.4.1
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    - param:             1.12.2
    - parso:             0.8.3
    - partd:             1.3.0
    - pastel:            0.2.1
    - pathlib:           1.0.1
    - pathy:             0.6.2
    - patsy:             0.5.3
    - pep517:            0.13.0
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    - pickleshare:       0.7.5
    - pillow:            7.1.2
    - pip:               21.1.3
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    - pystan:            3.3.0
    - pytest:            3.6.4
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    - python-slugify:    6.1.2
    - python-utils:      3.3.3
    - pytorch-lightning: 1.8.0.post1
    - pytorch-lightning-bolts: 0.3.2.post1
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    - pyviz-comms:       2.2.1
    - pywavelets:        1.3.0
    - pyyaml:            6.0
    - pyzmq:             23.2.1
    - qdldl:             0.1.5.post2
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    - resampy:           0.4.2
    - rich:              12.6.0
    - rpy2:              3.5.5
    - rsa:               4.9
    - s3fs:              2022.10.0
    - scikit-image:      0.18.3
    - scikit-learn:      1.0.2
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    - scs:               3.2.0
    - seaborn:           0.11.2
    - send2trash:        1.8.0
    - setuptools:        57.4.0
    - setuptools-git:    1.2
    - shapely:           1.8.5.post1
    - six:               1.15.0
    - sklearn-pandas:    1.8.0
    - smart-open:        5.2.1
    - sniffio:           1.3.0
    - snowballstemmer:   2.2.0
    - sortedcontainers:  2.4.0
    - soundfile:         0.11.0
    - spacy:             3.4.2
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    - spacy-loggers:     1.0.3
    - sphinx:            1.8.6
    - sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: 1.1.5
    - sphinxcontrib-websupport: 1.2.4
    - sqlalchemy:        1.4.42
    - sqlparse:          0.4.3
    - srsly:             2.4.5
    - starlette:         0.20.4
    - starsessions:      1.3.0
    - statsmodels:       0.12.2
    - sympy:             1.7.1
    - tables:            3.7.0
    - tabulate:          0.8.10
    - tblib:             1.7.0
    - tenacity:          8.1.0
    - tensorboard:       2.9.1
    - tensorboard-data-server: 0.6.1
    - tensorboard-plugin-wit: 1.8.1
    - tensorflow:        2.9.2
    - tensorflow-datasets: 4.6.0
    - tensorflow-estimator: 2.9.0
    - tensorflow-gcs-config: 2.9.1
    - tensorflow-hub:    0.12.0
    - tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem: 0.27.0
    - tensorflow-metadata: 1.10.0
    - tensorflow-probability: 0.16.0
    - termcolor:         2.0.1
    - terminado:         0.13.3
    - testpath:          0.6.0
    - text-unidecode:    1.3
    - textblob:          0.15.3
    - thinc:             8.1.5
    - threadpoolctl:     3.1.0
    - tifffile:          2021.11.2
    - toml:              0.10.2
    - tomli:             2.0.1
    - toolz:             0.12.0
    - torch:             1.12.1+cu113
    - torchaudio:        0.12.1+cu113
    - torchmetrics:      0.10.2
    - torchsummary:      1.5.1
    - torchtext:         0.13.1
    - torchvision:       0.13.1+cu113
    - tornado:           5.1.1
    - tqdm:              4.64.1
    - traitlets:         5.5.0
    - tweepy:            3.10.0
    - typeguard:         2.7.1
    - typer:             0.4.2
    - typing-extensions: 4.1.1
    - tzlocal:           1.5.1
    - ujson:             5.5.0
    - uritemplate:       3.0.1
    - urllib3:           1.25.11
    - uvicorn:           0.18.3
    - uvloop:            0.17.0
    - vega-datasets:     0.9.0
    - wasabi:            0.10.1
    - watchfiles:        0.18.0
    - wcwidth:           0.2.5
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    - xarray:            0.20.2
    - xarray-einstats:   0.2.2
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    - xlrd:              1.1.0
    - xlwt:              1.3.0
    - yarl:              1.8.1
    - yellowbrick:       1.5
    - zict:              2.2.0
    - zipp:              3.10.0
* System:
    - OS:                Linux
    - architecture:
        - 64bit
    - processor:         x86_64
    - python:            3.7.15
    - version:           #1 SMP Fri Aug 26 08:44:51 UTC 2022
#- Lightning Component (e.g. Trainer, LightningModule, LightningApp, LightningWork, LightningFlow):
#- PyTorch Lightning Version (e.g., 1.5.0):
#- Lightning App Version (e.g., 0.5.2):
#- PyTorch Version (e.g., 1.10):
#- Python version (e.g., 3.9):
#- OS (e.g., Linux):
#- CUDA/cuDNN version:
#- GPU models and configuration:
#- How you installed Lightning(`conda`, `pip`, source):
#- Running environment of LightningApp (e.g. local, cloud):

More info

My first bug contribution, hehe. Hope some coding genius looks into this. I'll use an implementation from torch.nn.Module for my midterm due tomorrow. :)

rohitgr7 commented 2 years ago

hey @Paulda07, mind trying out the recent bolts release? this was fixed recently.

otaj commented 2 years ago

Hi, @Paulda07, your bolts version is 0.3.2, which is quite old at this point. If you update to a recent version, you should be good to go for your midterm :zap:

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it hasn't had any recent activity. This issue will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions - the Lightning Team!