Lightning-AI / pytorch-lightning

Pretrain, finetune and deploy AI models on multiple GPUs, TPUs with zero code changes.
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Add support for logging in different trainer stages with DeviceStatsMonitor #15794

Closed thesofakillers closed 1 year ago

thesofakillers commented 1 year ago

Bug description

I would like to use DeviceStatsMonitor during a trainer.test() call. I followed the relative documentation which makes no mention of whether this callback is exclusive to

Despite following the docs, I get no device stats logs in my tensorboard

How to reproduce the bug

run the following script. You will see that no stats will be logged, despite having the DeviceStatsMonitor callback

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import numpy as np
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import DeviceStatsMonitor
import torch
from torch.nn import MSELoss
from torch.optim import Adam
from import DataLoader, Dataset
import torch.nn as nn

class SimpleDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self):
        X = np.arange(10000)
        y = X * 2
        X = [[_] for _ in X]
        y = [[_] for _ in y]
        self.X = torch.Tensor(X)
        self.y = torch.Tensor(y)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.y)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return {"X": self.X[idx], "y": self.y[idx]}

class MyModel(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fc = nn.Linear(1, 1)
        self.criterion = MSELoss()

    def forward(self, inputs_id, labels=None):
        outputs = self.fc(inputs_id)
        loss = 0
        if labels is not None:
            loss = self.criterion(outputs, labels)
        return loss, outputs

    def test_dataloader(self):
        dataset = SimpleDataset()
        return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1000)

    def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        input_ids = batch["X"]
        labels = batch["y"]
        loss, outputs = self(input_ids, labels)
        return {"loss": loss}

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        optimizer = Adam(self.parameters())
        return optimizer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = MyModel()
    logger = pl.loggers.TensorBoardLogger(save_dir="example", name="test")
    trainer = pl.Trainer(
        logger=logger, max_epochs=5, callbacks=[DeviceStatsMonitor(cpu_stats=True)]


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* Lightning:
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    - tqdm:              4.64.1
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    - wrapt:             1.14.1
    - xxhash:            3.1.0
    - yarl:              1.8.1
    - zipp:              3.10.0
* System:
    - OS:                Darwin
    - architecture:
        - 64bit
    - processor:         i386
    - python:            3.8.13
    - version:           Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Tue Jun 21 21:18:39 PDT 2022; root:xnu-6153.141.66~1/RELEASE_X86_64

More info

I have verified this on both GPU and CPU. The example above uses CPU.

cc @borda @awaelchli

awaelchli commented 1 year ago

Hi @thesofakillers That's because the callback only implements the training hooks right now. Adding support for multiple stages would be welcome!

albertwujj commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'd like to work on this. I'm new to this library, but am currently reading through everything related, the Trainer run function, the train/eval/predict Loops and EpochLoops, the logger connector.

albertwujj commented 1 year ago

Currently, for 'fit' runs DeviceStatsMonitor only logs every n steps as defined by Trainer's 'log_every_n_steps' variable.

How do we decide how often to log for 'test', AKA 'eval', runs? With the same 'log_every_n_steps' variable or something else?

albertwujj commented 1 year ago

To have a base to start with, here is a fork where I enabled DeviceStatsMonitor logging for eval runs. f37d373e603cb82e34c07b932eda706c43cb1830

Test code used:

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import numpy as np
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import DeviceStatsMonitor
import torch
from torch.nn import MSELoss
from torch.optim import Adam
from import DataLoader, Dataset
import torch.nn as nn
import os

class SimpleDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self):
        X = np.arange(10000)
        y = X * 2
        X = [[n] for n in X]
        y = [[n] for n in y]
        self.X = torch.Tensor(X)
        self.y = torch.Tensor(y)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.y)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return {"X": self.X[idx], "y": self.y[idx]}

class MyModel(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fc = nn.Linear(1, 1)
        self.criterion = MSELoss()

    def forward(self, inputs_id, labels=None):
        outputs = self.fc(inputs_id)
        loss = 0
        if labels is not None:
            loss = self.criterion(outputs, labels)
        return loss, outputs

    def train_dataloader(self):
        dataset = SimpleDataset()
        return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1000)

    def test_dataloader(self):
        dataset = SimpleDataset()
        return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1000)

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        input_ids = batch["X"]
        labels = batch["y"]
        loss, outputs = self(input_ids, labels)
        return {"loss": loss, "outputs": outputs}

    def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        input_ids = batch["X"]
        labels = batch["y"]
        loss, outputs = self(input_ids, labels)
        return {"loss": loss}

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        optimizer = Adam(self.parameters())
        return optimizer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('hello' + os.getcwd() + 'hello')
    model = MyModel()
    logger = pl.loggers.CSVLogger(save_dir="example", name="test")
    trainer = pl.Trainer(
        logger=logger, max_epochs=5, callbacks=[DeviceStatsMonitor(cpu_stats=True), ], log_every_n_steps=1

I logged the same every N runs as fit runs. However, the fit epoch loop keeps track of a _batches_that_stepped, but the eval epoch loop does not. As far as I can tell (not certain), the eval epoch loop's variable tracks the same thing,

Clarifications/comments/instructions welcome!

When I know what to do, I will continue, can add support for logging in predict loop, and eventually send a PR.

thesofakillers commented 1 year ago

not stale