A example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model.
Now I have a trained teacher_model. When I want to train the student model, I need to load the teacher model's weights and set the teacher model to eval().
I am confused about the specific steps to do above using the Lightning.
Could I get an example for it?
An example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model
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An example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model.
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A example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model.
Now I have a trained teacher_model. When I want to train the student model, I need to load the teacher model's weights and set the teacher model to eval().
I am confused about the specific steps to do above using the Lightning. Could I get an example for it?
An example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model
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An example for knowledge distillation. Especially for the load the teacher model's weight ,and train the student model.
cc @borda