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Cannot call self.log in evaluation_hooks after using trainer.predict, even if using a new trainer object. #19101

Open bw4sz opened 11 months ago

bw4sz commented 11 months ago

Bug description

There has been alot of discussion around logging, trainer.predict, evaluation hooks and callbacks. I think I can boil this down to a reproducible example that will be useful for the community.

What has been discussed so far. (where I started the example below)

From these links, there is no clear guidance between using trainer.predict_step() and trainer.predict in why one can use logging and the other cannot. This is flirting with being a bug, but appears to be intended behavior from the comment below.

We are not inside a predict hook, we are inside a evaluation_hook. We did use trainer.predict, with all of its great functionality, to generate a set of predictions.

Expected behavior

I understand from the above issues as stated by @carmocca ( that we cannot overwrite the trainer state. Why doesn't this work with a new trainer?

What version are you seeing the problem on?


How to reproduce the bug

import os
import torch
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.demos.boring_classes import BoringModel

class MyModel(BoringModel):
    def on_validation_epoch_end(self):
        if self.trainer.sanity_checking:  # optional skip
        print("Start predicting!")
        for i, batch in enumerate(self.predict_dataloader()):
            batch = self.transfer_batch_to_device(batch, self.device, dataloader_idx=0)
            out = self.predict_step(batch, i)
            print(i, out)

        self.log("metric", 1.0)

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return torch.optim.SGD(self.layer.parameters(), lr=0.1)

def run_predict_step():
    model = MyModel()
    trainer = Trainer(

class MyModel2(BoringModel):
    def on_validation_epoch_end(self):
        if self.trainer.sanity_checking:  # optional skip
        print("Start predicting!")
        dataloader = self.predict_dataloader()

        new_trainer = Trainer(

        new_trainer.predict(self, dataloaders=dataloader)

        self.log("metric", 1.0)

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return torch.optim.SGD(self.layer.parameters(), lr=0.1)

def run_trainer_predict():
    model = MyModel2()
    trainer = Trainer(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This works

    # This does not work

Error messages and logs

You are trying to `self.log()` but the loop's result collection is not registered yet. This is most likely because you are trying to log in a `predict` hook, but it doesn't support logging


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More info

No response

tshu-w commented 1 month ago

restore _current_fx_name might work:

    def on_validation_epoch_end(self, trainer: L.Trainer, pl_module: L.LightningModule) -> None:
        trainer_state = deepcopy(trainer.state)
        current_fx_name = pl_module._current_fx_name
        results = trainer.predict(pl_module, dataloader, return_predictions=True)
        trainer.state = trainer_state
        pl_module._current_fx_name = current_fx_name
        pl_module.log("val/ex", 0, prog_bar=True)
bw4sz commented 1 month ago

Thanks, can you give any insight into why that works, what's happening here that allows the trainer to be used inside the hook?

tshu-w commented 1 month ago

Thanks, can you give any insight into why that works, what's happening here that allows the trainer to be used inside the hook?

The on_validation_epoch_end of Callback accept trainer and pl_module as parameters. For LightningModule, you can just access trainer and _current_fx_name through self.trainer and self._current_fx_name such as:

    def on_validation_epoch_end(self):
        if self.trainer.sanity_checking:  # optional skip

        trainer_state = deepcopy(self.trainer.state)
        current_fx_name = self._current_fx_name
        print("Start predicting!")
        dataloader = self.predict_dataloader()
        self.trainer.predict(self, dataloaders=dataloader)

        self.trainer.state = trainer_state
        self._current_fx_name = current_fx_name

        self.log("metric", 1.0)

As for why that works, this is because we reset the _current_fx_name of LightningModule changed after prediction which cause self.log not working.