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ModelCheckpoint's `save_last` does not adhere to documentation #20245

Open godaup opened 1 week ago

godaup commented 1 week ago

Bug description

According to the discussion in #4335 the intended functionality of save_last is the deterministic access to the last stored checkpoint in order to resume training. The documentation states similarly:

save_last: When True, saves a last.ckpt copy whenever a checkpoint file gets saved. Can be set to 'link' on a local filesystem to create a symbolic link. This allows accessing the latest checkpoint a deterministic manner. Default: None.

But unfortunately _save_last_checkpoint may be called without any previous checkpoint existing. Some example configuration:


This will create a last.ckpt at the end of very epoch (either train or validation depending on save_on_train_epoch_end) - though no other checkpointing has triggered before. This is due to the _save_last_checkpoint called either way at the epoch end:

def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None:
    """Save a checkpoint at the end of the training epoch."""
    if not self._should_skip_saving_checkpoint(trainer) and self._should_save_on_train_epoch_end(trainer): 
        monitor_candidates = self._monitor_candidates(trainer)
        if self._every_n_epochs >= 1 and (trainer.current_epoch + 1) % self._every_n_epochs == 0:
            self._save_topk_checkpoint(trainer, monitor_candidates)
        self._save_last_checkpoint(trainer, monitor_candidates)  # < --- here

Hence in the end (ironically) save_last does what it was not intended to do: save the last epoch. In case of save_last='link' this is resolved after the first triggering - afterwards the regular _save_last_checkpoint calls will only write identical soft links to the actual checkpoint file. There are more possible configurations for this to happen:


Even if after 2000 steps _save_topk_checkpoint omits the creation of a new file (via _save_monitor_checkpoint detecting no improvement) _save_last_checkpoint is triggered.

These additional (unintended) creations of checkpoints may cause severe delays between epochs. I am also pretty sure this is the cause of numerous issues. A quick search revealed e.g. #20075, #19845, #17916.

Another problem is actually breaking the interplay of using multiple ModelCheckpoints - creating the chance that last.ckpt is actually not the latest checkpoint.

cpt_a = ModelCheckpoint(
cpt_b = ModelCheckpoint(

The intended behavior would be to have (after some while) one checkpoint file according to the best loss value, one temp_backup.ckpt file and a softlink last.ckpt pinpointing to whatever of the above was stored later (in case training gets interrupted and needs to be resumed). But the following may happen:

Also note this example where last.ckpt will be a corrupted symlink:


During the first "end of epoch call" of _save_last_checkpoint it is detected that no previous checkpoint was stored (self._last_checkpoint_saved is initialized as empty string):

if self.save_last == "link" and self._last_checkpoint_saved and self.save_top_k != 0:
    self._link_checkpoint(trainer, self._last_checkpoint_saved, filepath)
    self._save_checkpoint(trainer, filepath)

but in the next iteration (next epoch) the first case is satisfied and ModelCheckpoint will symlink last.ckpt to itself...

As a clean solution I would assume that no need for a "top-level" _save_last_checkpoint should be required - based on a downstream trigger of _save_checkpoint the logic to update/generate the last.ckpt should live. As an ad-hoc solution I tested the following

class MyModelCheckpoint(ModelCheckpoint):
    def _save_last_checkpoint(self, trainer: "lightning.Trainer", monitor_candidates: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
        """Only update last checkpoint in case there has just been a new checkpoint."""
        if self._last_global_step_saved == trainer.global_step:
            super()._save_last_checkpoint(trainer=trainer, monitor_candidates=monitor_candidates)

which resolved all problems mentioned above. As additional speed improvement the _save_last_checkpoint calls at the end of each epoch could also be slightly re-arranged

def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer: "lightning.Trainer", pl_module: "lightning.LightningModule") -> None:
    """Save a checkpoint at the end of the training epoch."""
    if not self._should_skip_saving_checkpoint(trainer) and self._should_save_on_train_epoch_end(trainer):
        monitor_candidates = self._monitor_candidates(trainer)
        if self._every_n_epochs >= 1 and (trainer.current_epoch + 1) % self._every_n_epochs == 0:
            self._save_topk_checkpoint(trainer, monitor_candidates)
            self._save_last_checkpoint(trainer, monitor_candidates)

What version are you seeing the problem on?


How to reproduce the bug

No response

Error messages and logs

# Error messages and logs here please


Current environment ``` #- PyTorch Lightning Version 2.3.3 #- PyTorch Version 2.4.0 #- Python version 3.8.13 #- OS Linux #- CUDA version 12.2 #- GPU models and configuration: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 #- How you installed Lightning: via pip inside a conda env ```

More info

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elijahcole commented 1 week ago

I noticed an issue today that is (I think) a manifestation of this bug.

I was training a model with:

However, I was monitoring a "lower is better" signal mistake, so the 5 checkpoints that were saved were from the first 5 epochs (where error was highest). After loading up last.ckpt, the validation performance was identical to the final state of the model as reported on Tensorboard (and did not match the performance of any of the other saved checkpoints).

We can see that last.ckpt was saved well after the others:

drwxr-xr-x 1 ecole domain users   0 Aug 27 23:31  .
drwxr-xr-x 1 ecole domain users   0 Aug 27 23:29  ..
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:29 'epoch=0-step=30.ckpt'
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:30 'epoch=1-step=60.ckpt'
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:30 'epoch=2-step=90.ckpt'
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:30 'epoch=3-step=120.ckpt'
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:31 'epoch=4-step=150.ckpt'
-rw------- 1 ecole domain users 83M Aug 27 23:37  last.ckpt

I was confused by this behavior, but it seems like this bug could explain it.