Lightning-Universe / Flashy_app

Perform Image/Text Classification with :zap: Flash built using :zap: AI
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 3 forks source link
**The AutoML App** [![Lightning](]( ![license](

Running the app

Let's first start with setting up the environment, and installing the requirements:

conda create --name lightning python=3.8
conda activate lightning

git clone
cd lightning
pip install -e .
python scripts/

cd ../
git clone
cd LAI-Flashy-App
# For local install, we keep a separate requirements file. The cloud app uses requirements.txt file.
pip install -e .[dev]

In order to run the app now (locally):

lightning run app

And to run on the cloud:

lightning run app --cloud

In case you receive a ModuleNotFound error for fiftyone, please consider installing the library manually as shown in the script above, or just use the requirements-dev.txt file during installation as shown in the script above.