LilySu / Covid-19nyc

Dashboard for visualizing Covid-19 data for NYC residents. The aim of this site is for people to leave not just better informed, but also feeling more connected and in touch with humanity.
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Covid-19 Informational Site to Help NYC Residents Feel Calmer and More Humanized After Searching the Term "Covid-19 Cases NYC"

As of July 4th 2020, the routes for this project has been terminated due to recurring costs to maintain the project.

Dashboard for visualizing Covid-19 cases in NYC.

Technology used: Plotly Dash, Flask, AWS RDS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Lambda

Talk on why we made the site Here's a snippet of the latter iteration of the dashboard: latter dashboard iteration

workflow database automation diagram site nyc graphs nyc demographics with covid ny state cases ny state counties stacked graphs us china italy day to day changes us predictions data sources Google Analytics Past Iterations Older Dashboard