This is a minimal example of how to integrate STEREO DSO from a ROS project, and run it on real-time input data. You can test it with EuRoC and KITTI Dataset(rosbag), or you may run it with your stereo camera(ROS API).
Detail about STEREO DSO:
Assume that you are familiar with ROS. If you are not familiar with ROS, you can refer to the following link to install and learn how to use ROS. Tested on ubuntu16.04 + ROS Kinetic.
Installation instructions:
ROS Tutorials:
Install the stereo_dso as the instruction of the following link:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Dowload KITTI rosbag sequences:
rosrun stereo_dso_ros stero_dso_ros calib=/home/huicanlin/catkin_ws/src/stereo_dso_ros/examples/camera_kitti.txt preset=0 mode=1 /cam0/image_raw:=/kitti_stereo/left/image_rect /cam1/image_raw:=kitti_stereo/right/image_rect
rosbag play --pause ~/Downloads/Dataset/KITTI/kitti_00.bag
The performance of the STEREO DSO ROS in the EuRoc dataset is not satisfactory and still needs improvement.
rosrun stereo_dso_ros stero_dso_ros calib=/home/huicanlin/catkin_ws/src/stereo_dso_ros/examples/camera_euroc.txt preset=0 mode=1
rosbag play --pause ~/Downloads/Dataset/ETH/V1_01_easy.bag
For poor computing power, you may try:
rosbag play --pause ~/Downloads/Dataset/ETH/V1_01_easy.bag -r 0.5
rosrun stereo_dso_ros stero_dso_ros calib=/home/huicanlin/catkin_ws/src/stereo_dso_ros/examples/own_camera.txt preset=0 mode=1 /cam0/image_raw:=/own_left_camera /cam1/image_raw:=/own_left_camera
Publish own left and right camera.
If you have any trouble installing or running STEREO DSO ROS, contact the authors(