LindaHlubi / Project-1

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Project 1 - Hangry Recipe Finder

Group Members

Deployed url:

About This App


Our web application allows "Hangry Users" to quickly appease their insatiable and selective hunger. Our quick and streamlined interface, backed up by our unmatched coding prowess enables even the most brain dead user (with low blood sugar levels) to gain an understanding of how to cook even the most complex of dishes.

Recipes do include information such as ingredients, quantities and a link for the cooking method.

Our faithful followers will also be able to access an automatic wine pairing feature. We don't particularly care if they dont like wine.... We do, and so does anyone that matters! Our users will surely find the best wine / food combinations with just a short click.

Users are also able to add recipes to a favourites list, then email the recipe ingredients as well as the recipe method to an email of their choosing.

When a user picks any recipe, that recipe is automatically saved in our quick links section, making it easier for repeat searches.

Our app uses three Api’s:

Our collaborative effort features a responsive design and layout for all devices.

The type of code used:

Javascipt plugins / libraries employed:

HTTP GET requests

Persistent Storage

Storing data via session & local web client storage in JSON format is used for data that needed to be persistent.

Project Requirements: