Links2004 / arduinoWebSockets

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Unable to make connection when protocol is included in request #651

Open RichardAndrews23 opened 3 years ago

RichardAndrews23 commented 3 years ago

ESP32, trying to make and hold a websocket connection. Always connects properly unless a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol field (of any value) is included in the Request Headers message sent from client web browser - when the server immediately disconnects (error 1006). Not sure if this is expected behaviour - any suggestions please as to how to modify code to correct this as my application will always require a subprotocol field. It would be useful to be able to extract this information for further use within application code.

crazyhole commented 3 years ago

yea trying to connect with protocols and it doesn't let me .................