Links2004 / arduinoWebSockets

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
1.88k stars 556 forks source link
arduino-library esp esp8266 websocket websocket-client websocket-server websockets ws wss

WebSocket Server and Client for Arduino Build Status

a WebSocket Server and Client for Arduino based on RFC6455.

Supported features of RFC6455
Supported Hardware

version 2.0.0 and up is not compatible with AVR/ATmega, check ATmega branch.

version 2.3.0 has API changes for the ESP8266 BareSSL (may brakes existing code)

Arduino for AVR not supports std namespace of c++.

wss / SSL

supported for:

Root CA Cert Bundles for SSL/TLS connections

Secure connections require the certificate of the server to be verified. One option is to provide a single certificate in the chain of trust. However, for flexibility and robustness, a certificate bundle is recommended. If a server changes the root CA from which it derives its certificates, this will not be a problem. With a single CA cert it will not connect.

Including a bundle with all CA certs will use 77.2 kB but this list can be reduced to 16.5 kB for the 41 most common. This results in 90% absolute usage coverage and 99% market share coverage according to W3Techs. The bundle is inserted into the compiled firmware. The bundle is not loaded into RAM, only its index.


This libary can run in Async TCP mode on the ESP.

The mode can be activated in the WebSockets.h (see WEBSOCKETS_NETWORK_TYPE define).

ESPAsyncTCP libary is required.

High Level Client API

 void onEvent(WebSocketClientEvent cbEvent);


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License and credits

The library is licensed under LGPLv2.1

libb64 written by Chris Venter. It is distributed under Public Domain see LICENSE.