csgoverview - 2D Demoviewer
A 2D demo replay tool for Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
I created a chatroom on Gitter so we have a place to talk about suggestions, problems and other questions.
- a -> 3 s backwards
- d -> 3 s forwards
- A -> 10 s backwards
- D -> 10 s forwards
- w -> increase playback speed
- s -> decrease playback speed
- r -> reset playback speed to x 1
- W -> hold to speed up 5 x
- S -> hold to slow down to 0.5 x
- q -> round backwards
- e -> round forwards
- Q -> to start of previous half
- E -> to start of next half
- space -> toggle pause
- mouse wheel -> scroll 1 second forwards/backwards
- c -> switch to alternate overview image (normal / lower)
- h -> hide player names on map
- 0-9 -> copy players position and view angle to clipboard
- k -> show hotkeys
Tool recommendations
Thank you for helping me or contributing to the project!