LinuxCNC / pi-gen

Tool used to create LinuxCNC's customized Raspbian images
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Tool used to create the Raspbian images


pi-gen runs on Debian based operating systems. Currently it is only supported on either Debian Buster or Ubuntu Xenial and is known to have issues building on earlier releases of these systems. On other Linux distributions it may be possible to use the Docker build described below.

To install the required dependencies for pi-gen you should run:

apt-get install coreutils quilt parted qemu-user-static debootstrap zerofree zip \
dosfstools bsdtar libcap2-bin grep rsync xz-utils file git curl

The file depends contains a list of tools needed. The format of this package is <tool>[:<debian-package>].


Upon execution, will source the file config in the current working directory. This bash shell fragment is intended to set needed environment variables.

The following environment variables are supported:

A simple example for building Raspbian:


The config file can also be specified on the command line as an argument the or scripts.

./ -c myconfig

This is parsed after config so can be used to override values set there.

How the build process works

The following process is followed to build images:

It is recommended to examine for finer details.

Docker Build

Docker can be used to perform the build inside a container. This partially isolates the build from the host system, and allows using the script on non-debian based systems (e.g. Fedora Linux). The isolate is not complete due to the need to use some kernel level services for arm emulation (binfmt) and loop devices (losetup).

To build:

vi config         # Edit your config file. See above.

If everything goes well, your finished image will be in the deploy/ folder. You can then remove the build container with docker rm -v pigen_work

If something breaks along the line, you can edit the corresponding scripts, and continue:


To examine the container after a failure you can enter a shell within it using:

sudo docker run -it --privileged --volumes-from=pigen_work pi-gen /bin/bash

After successful build, the build container is by default removed. This may be undesired when making incremental changes to a customized build. To prevent the build script from remove the container add


There is a possibility that even when running from a docker container, the installation of qemu-user-static will silently fail when building the image because binfmt-support must be enabled on the underlying kernel. An easy fix is to ensure binfmt-support is installed on the host machine before starting the ./ script (or using your own docker build solution).

Stage Anatomy

Raspbian Stage Overview

The build of Raspbian is divided up into several stages for logical clarity and modularity. This causes some initial complexity, but it simplifies maintenance and allows for more easy customization.

Stage specification

If you wish to build up to a specified stage (such as building up to stage 2 for a lite system), place an empty file named SKIP in each of the ./stage directories you wish not to include.

Then add an empty file named SKIP_IMAGES to ./stage4 and ./stage5 (if building up to stage 2) or to ./stage2 (if building a minimal system).

# Example for building a lite system
echo "IMG_NAME='Raspbian'" > config
touch ./stage3/SKIP ./stage4/SKIP ./stage5/SKIP
touch ./stage4/SKIP_IMAGES ./stage5/SKIP_IMAGES
sudo ./  # or ./

If you wish to build further configurations upon (for example) the lite system, you can also delete the contents of ./stage3 and ./stage4 and replace with your own contents in the same format.

Skipping stages to speed up development

If you're working on a specific stage the recommended development process is as follows:


64 Bit Systems

Please note there is currently an issue when compiling with a 64 Bit OS. See


Linux is able execute binaries from other architectures, meaning that it should be possible to make use of pi-gen on an x86_64 system, even though it will be running ARM binaries. This requires support from the binfmt_misc kernel module.

You may see the following error:

update-binfmts: warning: Couldn't load the binfmt_misc module.

To resolve this, ensure that the following files are available (install them if necessary):

/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/binfmt_misc.ko

You may also need to load the module by hand - run modprobe binfmt_misc.