Lioarlan / UxBufList-Sench-Touch-Extension

High performance scrolling, large list component extension for Sencha Touch
52 stars 8 forks source link

This is the first functionality-complete release of the Sencha Touch list component extension I and others have been working on in this thread:

Ext.ux.BufferedList is designed to be used in place of the standard Ext.List component, and supports essentially all Ext.List functions and configuration parameters, while providing the following enhancements and changes:

The only non-intuitive configuration is a parameter called "maxItemHeight". This is set at 85 pixels by default. If you have a significant number of items in the list which will be greater than this height, you should increase the value at least to the 90th percentile or so item height, to avoid potential problems with long scrolls to the top of the list. Also, itemTpl should be specified only as a string, not as an XTemplate, although this restriction may be removed soon.

I've licensed this work under either GPL or MIT, which I believe should allow for any forseeable reuse.

Please let me know of any bugs, enhancements, etc.

The repository contains both the UxBufList.js file, and a samples directory demonstrating regular, indexBar, and grouped with headers lists. There are also samples of three fixed bugs reported on this thread:

You will need to edit the html files to point to your sencha touch library for the samples to work.

The version currently in the repository is version .14, the same as the last version provided in the zip file at the above mentioned Sencha forum thread.