LiquidAI-project / wasmiot-supervisor

Device supervisor to manage deployment of WebAssembly modules. Works together with wasmiot-orchestrator.
MIT License
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Wasmiot supervisor is prototype implementation of self-adaptive supervisor for IoT devices. It is based on WasmTime and Flask.


Supervisor can be installed either manually on device, or using Docker.


Currently there is three (3) variations of images available:

When running the supervisor in Docker, the automatic discovery of devices is not supported by default docker network. To enable automatic discovery, you can use mdns reflector or create a macvlan network.

Manual installation


raspberry pi

For opencv support there are necessary requirements that need to be installed before installing the python libraries:

sudo apt install libwayland-cursor0 libxfixes3 libva2 libdav1d4 libavutil56 libxcb-render0 libwavpack1 libvorbis0a libx264-160 libx265-192 libaec0 libxinerama1 libva-x11-2 libpixman-1-0 libwayland-egl1 libzvbi0 libxkbcommon0 libnorm1 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libmp3lame0 libxcb-shm0 libspeex1 libwebpmux3 libatlas3-base libpangoft2-1.0-0 libogg0 libgraphite2-3 libsoxr0 libatspi2.0-0 libdatrie1 libswscale5 librabbitmq4 libhdf5-103-1 libharfbuzz0b libbluray2 libwayland-client0 libaom0 ocl-icd-libopencl1 libsrt1.4-gnutls libopus0 libxvidcore4 libzmq5 libgsm1 libsodium23 libxcursor1 libvpx6 libavformat58 libswresample3 libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0 libilmbase25 libssh-gcrypt-4 libopenexr25 libxdamage1 libsnappy1v5 libsz2 libdrm2 libxcomposite1 libgtk-3-0 libepoxy0 libgfortran5 libvorbisenc2 libopenmpt0 libvdpau1 libchromaprint1 libpgm-5.3-0 libcairo-gobject2 libavcodec58 libxrender1 libgme0 libpango-1.0-0 libtwolame0 libcairo2 libatk1.0-0 libxrandr2 librsvg2-2 libopenjp2-7 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libshine3 libxi6 libvorbisfile3 libcodec2-0.9 libmpg123-0 libthai0 libudfread0 libva-drm2 libtheora0

The requirements were taken from here: (python 3.9 and armv7l for raspberry pi 4)


Clone the project:

git clone

Install requirements. You might want to install them in a virtual environment.

# Create
python3 -m venv venv
# Activate
source venv/bin/activate

Note: if running the supervisor in a Raspberry Pi, uncomment the marked line in requirements.txt before running the following command.

Finally installing is done with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up device configuration files, device-description.json and wasmiot-device-description.json to ./instance/configs folder. You can use the template configs from the tempconfigs folder as a starting point:

mkdir -p instance/configs
cp -r tempconfigs/* instance/configs
# edit the copied files if necessary

Set up Sentry logging (optional):

export SENTRY_DSN="<your sentry-dsn here>"

Set up the device name (optional):

export FLASK_APP=my-device

Run with:

python -m host_app

Now the supervisor should be accessible at http://localhost:5000/.

curl http://localhost:5000/

The supervisor's logs in your terminal should show that a GET request was received.


The supervisor uses semantic versioning. The version number is defined in host_app/ and pyproject.toml. Do not change the version number manually, but use the following command to bump the version number:

bump-my-version bump [major|minor|patch]
git push origin v$(bump-my-version show current_version)

This will update the version number in the files and create a git commit and tag for the new version.


Use VSCode for starting in container. NOTE: Be sure the network it uses is created i.e., before starting the container run:

docker network create wasmiot-net

NOTE that if you intend to run the devcontainer (or otherwise the supervisor in Docker) alongside orchestrator, the wasmiot-net network should be created by docker compose command using orchestrator's setup. So if this is your case, do not run the above command to create the network, but install orchestrator first!

To build the devcontainer image manually, run:

docker build -t --target vscode-devcontainer .

Testing deployment

For testing the supervisor you need to provide it with a "deployment manifest" and the WebAssembly modules to run along with their descriptions. The modules can be found in the wasmiot-modules repo (see the link for build instructions). The simplest deployment to test is counting the Fibonacci sequence with the fibo module.

After building the WebAssembly modules, you can start up a simple file server inside the modules directory containing .wasm files in wasm-binaries/ when the script is used:


# Define hostname of the server for making requests later.
export WASM_SERVER_HOST=localhost
cd modules
python3 -m http.server

Within Docker network

# Define hostname of the server for making requests later.
export WASM_SERVER_HOST=wasm-server
cd modules
# Use the provided script and Dockerfile
./docker-server/ ./docker-server/Dockerfile

This will allow the supervisor to fetch needed files on deployment.

Using curl you can deploy the fibo module with the following command containing the needed manifest as data:

curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data "{
        \"instructions\": {
            \"modules\": {
                \"fiboMod\": {
                    \"fibo\": {
                        \"paths\": {
                            \"\": {
                                \"get\": {
                                    \"parameters\": [{
                                        \"name\": \"iterations\",
                                        \"in\": \"query\",
                                        \"required\": true,
                                        \"schema\": {
                                            \"type\": \"integer\",
                                            \"format\": \"int64\"
                                    \"responses\": {
                                        \"200\": {
                                            \"content\": {
                                                \"application/json\": {
                                                    \"schema\": {
                                                        \"type\": \"integer\",
                                                        \"format\": \"int64\"
                        \"to\": null
    }" \

Then on success, you can count the (four-byte representation of) 7th Fibonacci number with the command:

curl localhost:5000/0/modules/fiboMod/fibo?iterations=7

The actual value can be found by following the returned URL pointing to the final computation result.

Testing ML deployment

As a test module you can use the example from here. That repository contains the code for the wasm-module (source in crates/wasi-mobilenet-inference pre-compiled binary in model/optimized-wasi.wasm) and the model file (in model/mobilenet_v2_1.4_224_frozen.pb).

You need to provide both of these files for the supervisor to fetch like with the fibo module.

Without orchestrator

Add the ML-module's files to where your Python HTTP-server (started in the fibo test) can serve them from, e.g.:

cd modules
curl -L > wasm-binaries/wasm32-wasi/ml.wasm
curl -L > wasm-binaries/wasm32-wasi/ml.pb

Now deploy the files with:

curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data "{
        \"deploymentId\": \"1\",
        \"modules\": [
                \"id\": \"1\",
                \"name\": \"mobilenet\",
                \"urls\": {
                    \"binary\": \"http://${WASM_SERVER_HOST}:8000/wasm-binaries/wasm32-wasi/ml.wasm\",
                    \"description\": \"http://${WASM_SERVER_HOST}:8000/object-inference-open-api-description.json\",
                    \"other\": [
        \"instructions\": {
            \"modules\": {
                \"mobilenet\": {
                    \"infer_from_ptrs\": {
                        \"paths\": {
                            \"\": {
                                \"get\": {
                                    \"parameters\": [{
                                        \"name\": \"data\",
                                        \"in\": \"requestBody\",
                                        \"required\": true,
                                        \"schema\": {}
                                    \"responses\": {
                                        \"200\": {
                                            \"content\": {
                                                \"application/json\": {
                                                    \"schema\": {
                                                        \"type\": \"integer\",
                                                        \"format\": \"int64\"
                        \"to\": null
    }" \

After which you can test the inference with some image file via curl, eg.:

# Download a test image
curl -L > husky.jpeg
# Send the image to supervisor and wait for it to return the classification
curl -F data=@./husky.jpeg http://localhost:5000/1/modules/mobilenet/infer_from_ptrs

The supervisor will again, aften some time, respond with a URL, that can be followed to inspect the desired result integer that will match a line number in the labels file of the detected object in the input image.

You can find another test image in the wasi-inference repository in 'testdata'.

With orchestrator

Testing camera module

curl \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{
        "deploymentId": "2",
        "modules": [
                "id": "2",
        "instructions": {
            "modules": {
                "camera": {
                    "take_image": {
                        "paths": {
                            "": {
                                "get": {
                                    "parameters": [],
                                    "responses": {
                                        "200": {
                                            "description": "Return the image taken with a camera from the request",
                                            "content": {
                                                "image/jpeg": {}
                        "to": null
    }' \

To take an image with the camera. The image is save to file temp_image.jpg.

curl http://localhost:5000/2/modules/camera/take_image

To see all the results:

curl http://localhost:5000/request-history


To cite this work, please use the following BibTeX entry:

  title = {Proposing {{Isomorphic Microservices Based Architecture}} for {{Heterogeneous IoT Environments}}},
  booktitle = {Product-{{Focused Software Process Improvement}}},
  author = {Kotilainen, Pyry and Autto, Teemu and J{\"a}rvinen, Viljami and Das, Teerath and Tarkkanen, Juho},
  editor = {Taibi, Davide and Kuhrmann, Marco and Mikkonen, Tommi and Kl{\"u}nder, Jil and Abrahamsson, Pekka},
  year = {2022},
  series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Computer Science}}},
  pages = {621--627},
  publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
  address = {{Cham}},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-21388-5_47},
  abstract = {Recent advancements in IoT and web technologies have highlighted the significance of isomorphic software architecture development, which enables easier deployment of microservices in IoT-based systems. The key advantage of such systems is that the runtime or dynamic code migration between the components across the whole system becomes more flexible, increasing compatibility and improving resource allocation in networks. Despite the apparent advantages of such an approach, there are multiple issues and challenges to overcome before a truly valid solution can be built. In this idea paper, we propose an architecture for isomorphic microservice deployment on heterogeneous hardware assets, inspired by previous ideas introduced as liquid software [12]. The architecture consists of an orchestration server and a package manager, and various devices leveraging WebAssembly outside the browser to achieve a uniform computing environment. Our proposed architecture aligns with the long-term vision that, in the future, software deployment on heterogeneous devices can be simplified using WebAssembly.},
  isbn = {978-3-031-21388-5},
  langid = {english},