Lithl / challenge32

Visualization of checklist for "32 deck challenge" for MtG Commander
ISC License
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"32 Deck Challenge" Visualizer

This application creates a diagram to visualize progress for the "32 Deck Challenge" some Magic: the Gathering Commander players participate in. The challenge is to build a deck for each color combination: 5 mono-color decks, 10 two-color decks 9one for each pair of the 5 colors), 10 three-color decks (the five Shards of Alara "shards" and the five Khans of Tarkir "wedges"), 5 four-color decks, a five-color deck, and a colorless deck.

The diagram allows the user to select color combinations from a compact layout, choose a Commander which fits that color combination, and display that Commander's image in the appropriate region of the diagram. Additional features, such as linking to deckbuilding websites to include deck lists, and sharing the user's diagram are also planned. However, the aim of this project is to keep the visualization lightweight.

Building the application

After cloning the repository, install all dependencies with npm install. You will then be able to compile the TypeScript into JavaScript and compile the SASS into CSS using npm run build. Alternatively, if you intend to develop for the project, you can run npm run watch to rebuild when changes are made.

Running the application

Ultimately, this application will be hosted on its own website, accessible to all. However, if you're developing for the project and want to run the application locally, you can use node . while the project root is your current working directory. (Or from another directory, run node on the project root.) The localhost server will run on port 3004.

Running the application - Tutorial

1/ create a github account

2/ Install github desktop:

3/ install git:

4/ install node:

5/ clone challenge32 : ("clone or download" then "open in dekstop"

6/ launch command prompt in challenge 32 cloning folder (should be C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\GitHub\challenge32), type "npm install", wait for the end of downloads

7/ type "npm run build"

8/ type "node ." keep the cmd prompt open as long as you want to use the diagram

9/ copy "localhost:3004" in address bar of your web browsers and TADA it should work ! (not on firefox and internet explorer)

Now each time you want to reopen it you only have to open the cmd prompt challenge 32 cloning folder and redo the 8/ and 9/ steps

When an update on the app will happen you should: