LiuJih2021 / Bacmethy

Bacmethy, a customizable pipeline based on Docker, reliably calculates the enrichment significance of methylated and un(der)methylated motifs in regulatory and coding regions of the genome
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Bacmethy V 1.0.1


Bacmethy, a customizable pipeline based on Docker, is designed to calculate the enrichment significance of methylated and un(der)methylated motifs in the regulatory and coding regions of the genome. It also identifies genes that are co-affected by DNA methylation and transcription factor binding, enabling the prediction of transcriptional regulation effects by DNA methylation. By using Bacmethy, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of bacterial epigenomes.
We offer three ways for utilizing Bacmethy: a web server, a Docker-based system, and a command-line tool.
Please cite our work by "Liu, Ji-Hong, Yizhou Zhang, Ning Zhou, Jiale He, Jing Xu, Zhao Cai, Liang Yang, and Yang Liu. 2024. “ Bacmethy: A Novel and Convenient Tool for Investigating Bacterial DNA Methylation Pattern and Their Transcriptional Regulation Effects.” iMeta e186."


1. WEB Sever users

Bacmethy Website The website includes methylation analysis and TFs binding prediction modules of Bacmethy.
No installation step is needed if using Bacmethy web server.

2. docker users

Docker image is provided for Windows or Mac users.

  1. Make sure you have docker installed.

  2. Use the command to get Bacmethy in docker:
    docker pull liujihong/Bacmethy:2.0
    docker run -t -i liujihong/Bacmethy:2.0 /bin/bash

  3. re-enter docker.
    docker start docker attach

3. command-line tool users

  1. install required softwares.
    a. PROKKA
    (Note: prokka v1.12 works fine. If you want to use a higher version of prokka, you may need to manually configure the environment such as: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = your/path/to/conda/env/lib: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
    b. bedtools
    c. meme
    d. r-base
    (Note: The R packages ggplot2 and ggthemes need to be configured)
    e. circos [OPTION]
    f. seqkit [OPTION]

Make sure you have conda installed

wget -c  

creat a Bacmethy conda environment

conda -n Bacmethy  
conda activate Bacmethy  

conda install required softwares

conda install -c bioconda prokka    
conda install -c bioconda bedtools  
conda install -c bioconda meme  
conda install conda-forge::r-base  
  1. Download the scripts from Github to your working directory.

    conda install git and clone script

    conda install git git clone cd ./Bacmethy/script/



1. genome sequence file

genome.fa: The referece genome sequence file (fasta file for the complete genome sequence). Note: for step 2, "Prepare motifs files," it is essential to have complete genome sequences obtained from the same strain (same reference genome). This means that the genome sequences used for this step should be derived from the exact same bacterial strains. This ensures accuracy and consistency in the analysis of motifs.

2. motifs files

  1. motifs.gff: Compliant with the GFF Version3 specification. Each template position/strand pair whose probability value exceeds the probability value threshold appears as a row. The template position is 1-based, per the GFF specifications. The strand column refers to the strand carrying the detected modification, which is the opposite strand from those used to detect the modification. The GFF confidence column is a Phred-transformed probability value of detection.
  2. motifs.csv: Contains one row for each(reference,position, strand) pair that appeared in the Data Set with coverage at least x. x defaults to 3, but is configurable with the --minCoverage option. The reference position index is 1-based for compatibility with the GFF file in the R environment. Note that this output type scales poorly and is not recommended for large genomes; the HDF5 output should perform much better in these cases. ref:

3. PPM files [OPTION] TFs (Transcription Factors) binding prediction is an optional function module of Bacmethy. To utilize this module, the TF matrix files in PPM format are needed (with a .meme suffix).

NOTE: Typically, you can obtain the genome.fa, motifs.gff, and motifs.csv files from a public database or through the SMRT-seq facility. The Pacbio SMRTseq facility is equipped with the pre-installed SMRTLink software.
Nevertheless, if you need to carry out SMRT-LINK analysis on your own, you may follow the instructions on the website.
PacBio provide HGAP4(Hierarchical Genome Assembly Process) to generate high quality de novo assemblies of genomes, using Continuous Long Reads.
Use Base Modification Analysis Application in SMRT-LINK or SMRT Tools to identify bacterial base modifications, and analyze the methyltransferase recognition motifs. Detection can be down using an in-silico control consisting of expected kinetic signals.
When using the "Base Modification Analysis Application", it's suggested to add the fraction and motif reauirements (-t kineticstools_compute_methyl_fraction=true -t run_find_motifs=true) to obtain methylation motif and methylation fraction information accurately.

Run Bacmethy

1. Run

bash -m motifs.gff -s motifs.csv -g genome.fasta -p PREFIX -t m6A 


bash -m <motifs.gff> -s <motifs.csv> -g <genome.fa> -p <prefix> -t <m6A, m4C or m5C> [options] -d -b -a -r -T -n -G
requirement: locally installed PROKKA,  bedtools and MEME  softwares

    -m      FILE    a motif detected file in gff format from PacBio portal (required)
    -s      FILE    a motifs summary file (required)
    -g      FILE    a genome file which complete sequenced (required)
    -p      STRING  prefix of output (required; usually a strains name or a sample name)
    -t      STRING  a type of methylation type (required; one of m6A, m4C or m5C)

    -T      FOLDER  a floder contains TFs files in meme format (required; users can get from
    -d      FLOAT   a undermethylation thresholds of fraction (default: 0.75)
    -i      FLOAT   a unmethylation thresholds of identificationQv (default: 40)
    -c      FLOAT   a unmethylation thresholds of coverage (default: 30)
    -b      INT     number of bps before TSS (default: 500)
    -a      INT     number of bps after TSS (default: 100)
    -r      FILE    FASTA or GBK file to use as 1st priority (default '')
    -n      INT     Number of CPUs to use (default '8')
    -G      NULL    Scan the DNA methylation sites on gene Coding region (default only scan Regulation Region)


The genome file used for Bacmethy analysis should be the same genome reference file which used in SMRTLink methylation motif detection analysis.
Additionally, there are two recommended options for better genome annotation:

option: -r add standard strains reference

The -r option allows users to add a reference file from a standard strain in the same species. This helps improve genome annotation.

option: -d methylation level direction

The -d option is used for specifying the methylation level direction. There are complex and dynamic epigenetic regulations involved in DNA methylation. To ensure the authenticity of methylation events, a sequencing coverage higher than 30 is required. The software classifies DNA methylation events into three levels: methylation, undermethylation, and unmethylation.

  1. methylation: identificationQV >= 40
  2. undermethylation: identificationQV >= 40 && fraction < 0.75
  3. unmethylation: identifictionQV < 40
    The default threshold for undermethylation in Bacmethy is set to a fraction less than 0.75 and an identificationQV greater than or equal to 40.
    However, users can also set user-defined thresholds using the -d parameter to change the fraction and the -i parameter to alter the identificationQV threshold.

2. example -m motifs.gff -s motif_summary.csv -g genomic.fna -p K12 -t m6A -T /Your/Path/To/TF/meme

3. Running Time

Bacmethy uses parallel processing to decrease running time on multicore computers. Users can set Running CPU by parameter -n.


structure of output files

methylation site distribution


column name Description
Strains Strain name
Methylation Methylation type
nCDS counts of methylated bases in CDS region
nPROMOTER counts of methylated bases in promoter
nRR counts of methylated bases in Regulation Region

methylated gene result


column name Description
Strains Strain name
Methylation Methylation type
Region the region which the methylation site located, CDS or promoter
RRS Regulation region start site
RRE Regulation region end site
Methsite the methylation site
Fraction Estimate of the fraction of molecules that carry the modification
distance the distance between the start site of gene orf and methylated site
start gene start site
end gene end site
strand the gene transcription direction, +/-
locus tag the gene position ID
gene name gene name annotated by prokka
description gene function annotation

the overlap of methylation site and TF binding

column name Description
Strains Strain name
Methylation Methylation type
TF binding start TF binding position start site
TF binding end TF binding position end site
FIMO score the TF which binding with RR or CDS region in FIMO scan score
Region the region which the methylation site located, CDS or promoter
RRS Regulation region start site
RRE Regulation region end site
Methsite the methylation site
Fraction Estimate of the fraction of molecules that carry the modification
distance the distance between the start site of gene orf and methylated site
start gene start site
end gene end site
strand the gene transcription direction, +/-
locus tag the gene position ID
gene name gene name annotated by prokka
description gene function annotation

whole modified base of this motif in this genome

e.g. GATC_m6A_motif.methylation


Using for generating meme format TFs file


python ./script/  TF.mat

Using for generating circos configuration files and figures

Usage (Run in the folder where the output files were generated)



Copyright © [2024] [Ji-Hong Liu]. All rights reserved.