bower install ctiColorSlider --save
Include ctiColorSlider
in your angular dependency array, as demonstrated in
Use cti-color-slider
as an attribute directive, like <div cti-color-slider></div>
API is exposed via the cti-color-slider
attribute, as demonstrated in the demo
files: cti-color-slider="main.colorData"
, where color data is an object with
color picker coordinates and rgba value, coming from cti-color-slider
directive's parent.
2 way data-binding meaning it updates color data from cti-color-slider
directive's parent automatically, where you can capture and store the updated value.
If no pre-defined color data provided, color picker will pick a random color each time it reloads.
Selected color can be displayed in an element with an id="cp-color-display"
provided it has width and height, since the color is shown with css background
The element should be included on the same page as the directive.
Size is based on css width
property under [cti-color-slider]
Bare minimum css style for the color picker directive is included. You could include the provided css or copy and modify them in your own css.
You can style on top of the provided style or however you see fit.
Style for selected color display is up to the user but example can be found in demo/client.css. This provides a flexible way for styling content outside of the color picker.