LmeSzinc / AzurLaneAutoScript

Azur Lane bot (CN/EN/JP/TW) 碧蓝航线脚本 | 无缝委托科研,全自动大世界
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.66k stars 785 forks source link

台服购买科研图纸卡在选择期数界面 #3984

Closed Albert071006 closed 1 month ago

Albert071006 commented 1 month ago





  1. 前往 '科研'
  2. 点击 '选择期数'
  3. 出现问题


No response

相关 Logs

INFO     14:12:05.913 │ Start scheduler loop: alas                                 
INFO     14:12:05.998 │ [Server] cn                                                
INFO     14:12:06.009 │ Bind task ['General', 'Alas']                              
INFO     14:12:06.012 │ Pending tasks: ['Shipyard', 'OpsiAbyssal']                 
INFO     14:12:06.012 │ [Task] Shipyard (Enable, 2024-07-12 04:00:00)              
INFO     14:12:06.013 │ Bind task ['General', 'Alas', 'Shipyard']                  
═════════════════════════════════════ DEVICE ══════════════════════════════════════
INFO     14:12:06.515 │ DEVICE                                                     
INFO     14:12:06.516 │ [IS_ON_PHONE_CLOUD] False                                  
INFO     14:12:06.517 │ [AdbBinary] C:\Software\Alas\AzurLaneAutoScript\toolkit\Lib
INFO     14:12:06.518 │ [AdbClient] AdbClient(, 5037)                     
INFO     14:12:06.519 │ <<< DETECT DEVICE >>>                                      
INFO     14:12:06.520 │ Here are the available devices, copy to                    
         Alas.Emulator.Serial to use it or set Alas.Emulator.Serial="auto"         
INFO     14:12:06.521 │                                            
INFO     14:12:06.524 │ already connected to                       
INFO     14:12:06.525 │ [AdbDevice] AdbDevice(serial=              
INFO     14:12:06.526 │ [PackageName] com.hkmanjuu.azurlane.gp                     
INFO     14:12:06.527 │ [Server] tw                                                
INFO     14:12:06.533 │ [nemud.app_keep_alive] false                               
INFO     14:12:06.534 │ Screenshot interval set to 0.3s                            
INFO     14:12:06.535 │ <<< MINITOUCH INIT >>>                                     
INFO     14:12:06.535 │ Scheduler: Start task `Shipyard`                           
INFO     14:12:06.539 │ Update droidcast resolution                                
INFO     14:12:06.547 │ [Device Orientation] 1 (HOME key on the right)             
INFO     14:12:06.549 │ Reuse forward: ForwardItem(serial='',       
         local='tcp:20085', remote='localabstract:minitouch')                      
INFO     14:12:06.549 │ newCommandTimeout updated to 168h0m0s                      
INFO     14:12:06.551 │ v 1                                                        
INFO     14:12:06.551 │ [u2.Device] Device(atx_agent_url=    
INFO     14:12:06.552 │ ^ 10 720 1280 0                                            
INFO     14:12:06.553 │ $ 9311                                                     
INFO     14:12:06.554 │ minitouch running on port: 20085, pid: 9311                
INFO     14:12:06.554 │ max_contact: 10; max_x: 720; max_y: 1280; max_pressure: 0  
INFO     14:12:06.574 │ [Device Orientation] 1 (HOME key on the right)             
INFO     14:12:06.575 │ Droicast resolution: (720, 1280)                           
INFO     14:12:06.576 │ Reuse forward: ForwardItem(serial='',       
         local='tcp:20459', remote='tcp:53516')                                    
INFO     14:12:06.657 │ [Screen_size] 1280x720                                     
INFO     14:12:06.894 │ early_ocr_import call                                      
═══════════════════════════════════ SHIPYARD DR ═══════════════════════════════════
INFO     14:12:06.895 │ early_ocr_import start                                     
INFO     14:12:06.897 │ SHIPYARD DR                                                
INFO     14:12:06.898 │ [ShipyardDr_LastRun] 2024-04-18 04:00:15                   
═══════════════════════════════════ SHIPYARD PR ═══════════════════════════════════
INFO     14:12:06.899 │ SHIPYARD PR                                                
INFO     14:12:06.899 │ Loading OCR dependencies                                   
INFO     14:12:06.900 │ [Shipyard_LastRun] 2024-06-28 04:00:28                     
INFO     14:12:06.901 │ <<< UI ENSURE >>>                                          
INFO     14:12:06.902 │ UI get current page                                        
INFO     14:12:07.493 │ Unknown ui page                                            
INFO     14:12:07.575 │ early_ocr_import finish                                    
INFO     14:12:07.793 │ [Package_name] com.hkmanjuu.azurlane.gp                    
INFO     14:12:07.802 │ [Device Orientation] 1 (HOME key on the right)             
INFO     14:12:07.890 │ [UI] page_shipyard                                         
INFO     14:12:07.891 │ Goto page_reshmenu                                         
INFO     14:12:07.892 │ <<< UI GOTO PAGE_RESHMENU >>>                              
INFO     14:12:07.906 │ Page switch: page_shipyard -> page_main                    
INFO     14:12:07.907 │ Click (1233,   35) @ GOTO_MAIN                             
INFO     14:12:08.184 │ Page switch: page_main -> page_reshmenu                    
INFO     14:12:08.186 │ Click ( 738,  703) @ MAIN_GOTO_RESHMENU                    
INFO     14:12:08.765 │ Page arrive: page_reshmenu                                 
INFO     14:12:08.783 │ Loading OCR model: ./bin/cnocr_models/azur_lane            
INFO     14:12:08.828 │ [SHOP_GOLD_COINS 0.055s] 175540                            
INFO     14:12:08.851 │ [SHOP_GEMS 0.021s] 3736                                    
INFO     14:12:08.852 │ Gold coins: 175540, Gems: 3736                             
INFO     14:12:08.853 │ <<< UI GOTO PAGE_SHIPYARD >>>                              
INFO     14:12:08.867 │ Page switch: page_reshmenu -> page_shipyard                
INFO     14:12:08.869 │ Click ( 662,  365) @ RESHMENU_GOTO_SHIPYARD                
INFO     14:12:09.682 │ Page arrive: page_shipyard                                 
INFO     14:12:09.684 │ <<< UI CLICK >>>                                           
INFO     14:12:09.691 │ Click (  93,  685) @ SHIPYARD_SERIES_SELECT_ENTER          
INFO     14:13:09.869 │ Function calls:                                            
                   <string>   L1 <module>                                          
                   spawn.py L105 spawn_main()                                      
                   spawn.py L118 _main()                                           
                 process.py L297 _bootstrap()                                      
                 process.py  L99 run()                                             
         process_manager.py L152 run_process()                                     
                    alas.py L536 loop()                                            
                    alas.py  L69 run()                                             
                    alas.py L222 shipyard()                                        
         shipyard_reward.py L249 run()                                             
         shipyard_reward.py L209 shipyard_run()                                    
                      ui.py L241 shipyard_set_focus()                              
                      ui.py L166 _shipyard_set_series()                            
                      ui.py L107 ui_click()                                        
                  device.py L161 screenshot()                                      
                  device.py L219 stuck_record_check()                              
                  device.py  L40 show_function_call()                              
WARNING  14:13:09.872 │ Wait too long                                              
WARNING  14:13:09.873 │ Waiting for {'SHIPYARD_IN_FATE',                           
INFO     14:13:09.937 │ [Package_name] com.hkmanjuu.azurlane.gp                    
ERROR    14:13:09.938 │ GameStuckError: Wait too long                              
WARNING  14:13:09.940 │ Saving error: ./log/error/1720764789940                    
WARNING  14:13:10.020 │ Game stuck, com.hkmanjuu.azurlane.gp will be restarted in  
         10 seconds                                                                
WARNING  14:13:10.021 │ If you are playing by hand, please stop Alas               
INFO     14:13:10.022 │ Task call: Restart                                         
INFO     14:13:10.033 │ Bind task ['General', 'Alas', 'Shipyard']                  
INFO     14:13:10.034 │ Save config ./config\alas.json,                            
         Restart.Scheduler.NextRun=datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 12, 14, 13, 10),     
INFO     14:13:20.044 │ Scheduler: End task `Shipyard`                             
INFO     14:13:20.045 │ [Server] tw                                                
INFO     14:13:20.057 │ Bind task ['General', 'Alas']                              
INFO     14:13:20.059 │ Pending tasks: ['Restart', 'Shipyard', 'OpsiAbyssal']      
INFO     14:13:20.060 │ [Task] Restart (Enable, 2024-07-12 14:13:10)               
INFO     14:13:20.061 │ Bind task ['General', 'Alas', 'Restart']                   
INFO     14:13:20.067 │ Scheduler: Start task `Restart`




No response

LmeSzinc commented 1 month ago
