LmeSzinc / AzurLaneAutoScript

Azur Lane bot (CN/EN/JP/TW) 碧蓝航线脚本 | 无缝委托科研,全自动大世界
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.65k stars 785 forks source link

Update via GUI Failed #972

Closed nEEtdo0d closed 2 years ago

nEEtdo0d commented 2 years ago

Before you asking

Describe the bug

Not sure when it started but for some reason failing to update via the GUI https://pastebin.com/X6YzjFW3

It had been functioning before and while it seems to be clear what the problem is I'm not sure why the pip install is failing.

I can run the line independent of the exe/script. So seems odd it is returning an error code.

Also seems to still do the update but doesn't restart ALAS since the log still displays content I would expect after restart the log would be empty.


To Reproduce

Develop -> Updater -> Update -> Process and then short while after says it failed and to check the GUI log file in logs

Expected behavior

So long as there weren't any conflicts to resolve due to using the configuration to allow for custom updates to remain, should state update successful and proceed to restart ALAS

Relevant log output



Manual running pip install image

Anything else?

deploy.yaml if helps Deploy: Git:

URL of AzurLaneAutoScript repository

# [CN user] Use 'https://gitee.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript' for faster and more stable download
# [Other] Use 'https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript'
Repository: https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript
# Branch of Alas
# [Developer] Use 'dev', 'app', etc, to try new features
# [Other] Use 'master', the stable branch
Branch: master
# Filepath of git executable `git.exe`
# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/Git/mingw64/bin/git.exe'
# [Other] Use you own git
GitExecutable: ./toolkit/Git/mingw64/bin/git.exe
# Set git proxy
# [CN user] Use your local http proxy ({port}) or socks5 proxy (socks5://{port})
# [Other] Use null
GitProxy: null
# Update Alas at startup
# [In most cases] Use true
AutoUpdate: true
# Whether to keep local changes during update
# User settings, logs and screenshots will be kept, no mather this is true or false
# [Developer] Use true, if you modified the code
# [Other] Use false
KeepLocalChanges: true


Filepath of python executable python.exe

# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/python.exe'
# [Other] Use you own python, and its version should be 3.7.6 64bit
PythonExecutable: ./toolkit/python.exe
# URL of pypi mirror
# [CN user] Use 'https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple' for faster and more stable download
# [Other] Use null
PypiMirror: null
# Install dependencies at startup
# [In most cases] Use true
InstallDependencies: true
# Path to requirements.txt
# [In most cases] Use 'requirements.txt'
# [In AidLux] Use './deploy/AidLux/{version}/requirements.txt', version is default to 0.92
RequirementsFile: requirements.txt


Filepath of ADB executable adb.exe

# [Easy installer] Use './toolkit/Lib/site-packages/adbutils/binaries/adb.exe'
# [Other] Use you own latest ADB, but not the ADB in your emulator
AdbExecutable: ./toolkit/Lib/site-packages/adbutils/binaries/adb.exe
# Whether to replace ADB
# Chinese emulators (NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, MemuPlayer, MuMuPlayer) use their own ADB, instead of the latest.
# Different ADB servers will terminate each other at startup, resulting in disconnection.
# For compatibility, we have to replace them all.
# This will do:
#   1. Terminate current ADB server
#   2. Rename ADB from all emulators to *.bak and replace them by the AdbExecutable set above
#   3. Brute-force connect to all available emulator instances
# [In most cases] Use true
# [In few cases] Use false, if you have other programs using ADB.
ReplaceAdb: true
# Brute-force connect to all available emulator instances
# [In most cases] Use true
AutoConnect: true
# Re-install uiautomator2
# [In most cases] Use true
InstallUiautomator2: true


Run Ocr as a service, can reduce memory usage by not import mxnet everytime you start an alas instance

# Whether to use ocr server
# [Default] false
UseOcrServer: false
# Whether to start ocr server when start GUI
# [Default] false
StartOcrServer: false
# Port of ocr server runs by GUI
# [Default] 22268
OcrServerPort: 22268
# Address of ocr server for alas instance to connect
# [Default]


Use auto update and builtin updater feature

# This may cause problem https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript/issues/876
EnableReload: true
# Check update every X minute
# [Disable] -1
# [Default] 5
CheckUpdateInterval: 5
# Scheduled restart time
# If there are updates, Alas will automatically restart and update at this time every day
# and run all alas instances that running before restarted
# [Disable] null
# [Default] 03:50
AutoRestartTime: 03:50


Enable discord rich presence

DiscordRichPresence: false


--host. Host to listen

# [Use IPv6] '::'
# [In most cases] Default to ''
# --port. Port to listen
# You will be able to access webui via `http://{host}:{port}`
# [In most cases] Default to 22267
WebuiPort: 22267
# Language to use on web ui
# 'zh-CN' for Chinese simplified
# 'en-US' for English
# 'ja-JP' for Japanese
# 'zh-TW' for Chinese traditional
Language: en-US
# Theme of web ui
# 'default' for light theme
# 'dark' for dark theme
Theme: dark
# Follow system DPI scaling
# [In most cases] true
# [In few cases] false to make Alas smaller, if you have a low resolution but high DPI scaling.
DpiScaling: true
# --key. Password of web ui
# Useful when expose Alas to the public network
Password: null
# --cdn. Use jsdelivr cdn for pywebio static files (css, js).
# 'true' for jsdelivr cdn
# 'false' for self host cdn (automatically)
CDN: false
nEEtdo0d commented 2 years ago

Able to resolve self but unclear as to why particular file had access denied but deleting and having pip re-install it seems to apply the needed permissions to allow to run repeatedly. https://imgur.com/a/qEADgH0

Will close issue in day or two in case someone else gets a similar issue. Thanks!