Lo-Agency-Internship / samira-shabnam-khashayar-workout-tracker

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samira-shabnam-khashayar-gym-tracker Group B

Project Title

"Workout Tracker App" is a simple project which users can tarck thier workout plan.

Simple Workout Tracker app created with Node.js and Express.



Clone the repository:git clone git@github.com:Lo-Agency-Internship/samira-shabnam-khashayar-workout-tracker.git
Install the application: npm install
Initiaize the database: npm run prestart
Start the server: npm run start
View in browser at http://localhost:3000


Lessons Learned

In this project, we have used several technologies for our application. We have had the opportunity to start working with template engines. In this path we have used Twig.Js. A template engine that helped us a lot throughout this journey. For storing our data, we decided to use better-sqlite3 as our database. We did not have any doubts or worries as it was a powerful library. For having better experience with client-side JavaScript, we have decided to use Alpine.Js.It is a tool which reduces the complexity and duplications of front-end JS. For sending requests for other APIs, we have had the chance to use Axios. It is a promised based HTTP client where it can send requests from both server and client. As usual, there were more tools which helped us through this project such as: HTML,CSS,Bootstrap, Express JS.


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us.



