Welcome to our project! This is a decision making framework made in React and JavaScript. This software allows users to quickly and easily choose the most appropriate voting method. The application will assist charities in making decisions that will help their organizations. This application will also help other donors to make more informed decisions about how to help these organizations. This software will make it easier for charities to choose the best courses for their future and will give donors the information they need to make informed decisions."
We welcome any and all contributions! Here are some ways you can get started:
branchgit pull origin <REMOTE ORIGIN BRANCH NAME>
branchnpm install
cd client
and then run npm run dev
npm run dev:client
from the root
(Note : if you get any server error after installaton,make sure about your node version by running node -v
. you need to have 16.17.0
version of node)npm install
npm run dev:server
to start the development server.npm install nodemailer
to install Nodemailer(Note: this setting is just for Linux based system if you have MAC you should follow this link)
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
for installing postgreSQL$ sudo -u postgres createuser -P --createdb <username>
for creating database user$ createdb logic-legends
for creating databaseemail_signup.sql user_reviews.sql
psql logic-legends
command you can see the exisiting tablesnpm install cypress --save-dev
to install Cypress.npx cypress open
to open cypress.cypress.config.js
file after component
object :
indexHtmlFile: "client/cypress/component-index.html",
specPattern: "client/*/.cy.js",
supportFile: "client/cypress/component.js",
we use Render
for deploying our application. As soon as each changes merge with develop
branch it will be deployed on Render
. here is the link https://starter-kit-snzl.onrender.com/