LoginRadius / csharp-password-hash

.NET standard library to secure the passwords using multiple hashing algorithms.
MIT License
9 stars 13 forks source link


.NET standard library to secure the passwords using multiple hashing algorithms.


Getting Started

Clone csharp-password-hash into your system using below commands:

Open command prompt and type below commands

git clone https://github.com/LoginRadius/csharp-password-hash
cd csharp-password-hash

It will open the solution into the Visual Studio


Below are samples to show how you might use the library.

Create user model class

public class User{
  public string EmailId{get;set;}
  public string Password{get;set;}

Create user object

//Create user object and set emailId and password properties
var userObject = new User
  EmailId = "test@gmail.com",
  Password = "Test#11"

Example 1 - Create HashConfig object (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is true)

//Create HashConfig object and set below properties
var hashConfig = new HashingConfig
  GeneratePerPasswordSalt = true, // This property is used when we have generate different password salt
  GlobalSalt = null, // This is used when we have to use the same salt for every password
  SaltedPasswordFormat = "#PasswordPlaceHolder#--#SaltPlaceHolder#",// Format which will be used in salted password 
  HashingAlgo = HashingAlgo.MD5, // Hashing algo which we want to use
  PasswordHashEncodingType = EncodingType.Default // Encoding type for password hashing

Check password (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is true)

//Combine the user object and HashConfig object (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is true)
//Create method to check password
public void ValidatePassword()
  var userObject = new User
   EmailId = "test@gmail.com",
   Password = "Test#11"
  var hashConfig = new HashingConfig
    GeneratePerPasswordSalt = true,
    GlobalSalt = null,
    SaltedPasswordFormat = "#PasswordPlaceHolder#--#SaltPlaceHolder#",
    HashingAlgo = HashingAlgo.MD5,
    PasswordHashEncodingType = EncodingType.Default
  var passwordHashing = new PasswordHashing(); // Create password hashing object
  var hash = passwordHashing.GetHash(userObject.Password, hashConfig); // GetHash for the password
  var match = passwordHashing.CheckPassword(hash, hashConfig, userObject.Password); //Check password

Example 2 - Create HashConfig object (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is false)

//In that case we have to set the GlobalSalt property
//Create HashConfig object and set below properties
var hashConfig = new HashingConfig
  GeneratePerPasswordSalt = false, \
  GlobalSalt = SecureSalt, 
  SaltedPasswordFormat = "#PasswordPlaceHolder#--#SaltPlaceHolder#",
  HashingAlgo = HashingAlgo.MD5, 
  PasswordHashEncodingType = EncodingType.Default 

Check password (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is false)

//Combine the user object and HashConfig object (When GeneratePerPasswordSalt is false)
//Create method to check password
public void ValidatePassword()
  var userObject = new User
   EmailId = "test@gmail.com",
   Password = "Test#11"
  var hashConfig = new HashingConfig
    GeneratePerPasswordSalt = false,
    GlobalSalt = "SecureSalt",
    SaltedPasswordFormat = "#PasswordPlaceHolder#--#SaltPlaceHolder#",
    HashingAlgo = HashingAlgo.MD5,
    PasswordHashEncodingType = EncodingType.Default
  var passwordHashing = new PasswordHashing(); // Create password hashing object
  var hash = passwordHashing.GetHash(userObject.Password, hashConfig); // GetHash for the password
  var match = passwordHashing.CheckPassword(hash, hashConfig, userObject.Password); //Check password


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