Loki-0dinson / Jotun

Jotun is a discord bot project
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Welcome to Jotun bot - ᛃᛟᛏᚢᚾ ᛒᛟᛏ

Jotun is a discord bot that currently is a WIP


# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/Loki-0dinson/Jotun.git
$ cd ./Jotun

Then create a .env file, and replace the values as follow:

DEBUG="True" # Anything other than "True" will be set this to False
DB_NAME="NAME_OF_THE_LOCAL_SQLite3_DB" # Any name is ok, the SQLite3 database file will be created using this name

[OPTIONAL] If you are on a Debian-based distribution you may want to install these dependencies:

$ apt install libffi-dev libnacl-dev python3-dev

Now we install pipenv which we will use to create a virtual environment

# Install pipenv
$ python3 -m pip install pipenv

# Install Pipfile dependencies and activate virtual environment
$ pipenv install && pipenv shell

# Run the bot
$ python main.py

⚠ WARNING ⚠ By default, python 3.10 will be used, if you want to use a diferent version just modify the Pipfile or specify it to pipenv with the --python flag (must be 3.10 or above, you can check your version with python3 --version)


Name Version Package Dev-Package
nextcord ~=2.0.0a2
aiosqlite 0.17.0
autopep8 *
icecream *