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Can you add loop for ETH + TON Dual Mining #1194

Open dewacandra4 opened 2 years ago

dewacandra4 commented 2 years ago

Sometimes I keep getting "press any key to continue" and the miner will stop, can you add looping the miner when it's stopped for ETH + TON dual mining?

mrarefasl commented 2 years ago

Sometimes I keep getting "press any key to continue" and the miner will stop, can you add looping the miner when it's stopped for ETH + TON dual mining?

dual_mine_eth_ton_toncoin.txt it is looped just save it as ".bat" file

unfilled88 commented 2 years ago

Sometimes I keep getting "press any key to continue" and the miner will stop, can you add looping the miner when it's stopped for ETH + TON dual mining?

i found something on here also, but added some MSI afterburner load profile for windows before it start open the mining console:

@echo off

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set url=
set file=lolMiner.json
set tmpfile=Perfomance.json

Rem #################################
Rem ## Begin of user-editable part ##
Rem #################################

set "POOL="
set "WALLET="

set "TONPOOL="


Rem #################################
Rem ##  End of user-editable part  ##
Rem #################################

if exist "C:\Y2K\MASTER\mining software\lolMiner_v1.43_Win64\1.43\lolMiner.exe" goto infolder
echo "Searching for lolMiner.exe, because is not in this folder.That could take sometime..."
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /s "C:\lolMiner.exe" 2^>nul') do set MyVariable=%%F
if exist "%MyVariable%" goto WindowsVer
echo "lolMiner.exe is not found in the system, that could be blocked by Windows Defender or Antivirus "
goto END

set MyVariable=C:\Y2K\MASTER\mining software\lolMiner_v1.43_Win64\1.43\lolMiner.exe

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe" -Profile3
goto loop

"%MyVariable%" --algo ETHASH --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --dualmode TONDUAL --dualpool !TONPOOL! --dualuser !TONWALLET! !EXTRAPARAMETERS! --apiport 4444

timeout 60
type NUL > %file%
type NUL > %tmpfile%
echo Proving Stats, press CTRL-C and Y to Quit!
certutil -urlcache -split -f %url% %file%

fc %file% %tmpfile% > nul
if errorlevel 1 (goto online) else (goto crash)

findstr "Performance_Summary" %file% > %tmpfile%

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (%tmpfile%) DO echo %%x

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%tmpfile%) do set str=%%a
if "%str%"==""Performance_Summary": 0.00," (goto restart) else (goto mining)

echo "Killing Process"
taskkill /IM "lolMiner.exe" /F
echo "Restarting lolMiner"
goto afterburner

echo "LolMiner Not Running, restarting lolMiner"
goto afterburner

just edit the directory for and lolminer.exe and afterburner, also the profile number you wanna load

SpeedHunter177 commented 2 years ago

dual_mine_eth_ton_toncoin.txt it is looped just save it as ".bat" file

but it has same text as the original .bat file what is the diffrent ?