Lolliedieb / lolMiner-releases

2.54k stars 577 forks source link


AMD & Nvidia & Intel Miner for Etchash, Autolykos2, Beam, Grin, Ae, ALPH, Flux, Equihash, Kaspa, Nexa, Ironfish, Karlsen and Pyrin and more

Best Dual Miner for ALPH and GRAM and KARLSEN and PYRIN and RADIANT with full Unlock LHR in all ALGOs

A git repository for lolMiner release versions

Supported Algorithm

Algorithm Fee %
Alephium 0.75
Autolykos V2 1.5
BeamHash III 1.0
Cuckoo 29 2.0
CuckarooD 29 2.0
CuckarooM 29 2.0
Cuckaroo 30 CTXC 2.5
Cuckatoo 31 2.0
Cuckatoo 32 2.0
Cuckaroo 29-32 1.0
Cuckaroo 29-40 1.0
Dual ETC + (KAS/ALEPH) 1.0 / 0.0
Dual ETH (ETHW) + (KAS/ALEPH) 1.0 / 0.0
Dual RTH + (ALEPH/GRAM/KLS/PYI/RXD) 1.0 / 0.75 - 1.0
Dual IRON + (ALEPH/GRAM/KLS/PYI/RXD) 1.0 / 0.75 - 1.0
Equihash 144/5 1.0
Equihash 192/7 1.0
Equihash 210/9 1.0
Etchash 0.7
Ethash (ETHW) 0.7
Ironfish 1.00
Kaspa 0.75
Karlsen 1.0
Nexa 2.0
Pyrin 1.0
Radiant 0.75
Rethereum 1.00
ZelHash (Flux) 1.0 / 1.5

Options supported by lolMiner

To see some basic configuration examples, see here:

General Options

Parameter Description
-h [ --help ] Help screen
--config arg (=./lolMiner.cfg) Config file
--json arg (=./user_config.json) Config file in Json format
--profile arg Profile to load from Json file
--nocolor [=arg(=on)] (=off) Disable colors in output
--basecolor [=arg(=on)] (=off) Use 16 colors scheme for non-rgb terminals
--list-coins List all supported coin profiles
--list-algos List all supported algorithms
--list-devices List all supported & detected GPUs in your system
-v [ --version ] Print lolMiner version number

Mining Options

Parameter Description
-a [ --algo ] arg The algorithm to mine.
-p [ --pool ] arg Mining pool to mine on
Format: :
-u [ --user ] arg Wallet or pool user account to mine on
--pass arg Pool user account password (Optional)
--tls arg Toggle TLS ("on" / "off")
--dns-over-https arg (=1) Toggle dns over https.
0=default dns only
1=DoH with default dns as backup (default)
2=DNS over https enforced
--devices arg The devices to mine on
Values: ALL / AMD / NVIDIA or a comma separated list of incidences.
--devicesbypcie [=arg(=on)] (=off) Interpret --devices as list of PCIE BUS:SLOT pair
--pers arg The personalization string. Required when using --algo for Equihash algorithms
--keepfree arg (=5) Set the number of MBytes of GPU memory that should be left free by the miner.
--benchmark arg The algorithm to benchmark
--socks5 proxyPool:proxyPort For Socks5 connection
-c [ --coin ] arg The coin to mine - this is an alternative to --algo that sets both, the algorithm and the personalization string for Equihash coins. (old)
--max-latency From v1.53 If the pool share latency is above this value and failover pools are configured, the miner will terminate the connection and connect to the next failover pool (at the earliest after 10 shares on the active connection). This is repeated if necessary until a pool remains below the latency limit. The default value is 0, which disables the feature. In dual-mining, multiple values can be specified separated by a comma, where the first value is for the first algorithm and the second is for the second algorithm. If only one value is specified, it applies to all connections.

Statistics Options:

Parameter Description
--apiport arg (=0) The port the API will use
--apihost arg (= The host binding the API will use
--longstats arg (=60) Long statistics interval
--shortstats arg (=15) Short statistics interval
--statsformat arg (=default) Format for long statistics. Use --help-format to get an overview of available fields.
--hstats [=arg(=0)] (=-1) Select stats to be drawn in a horizontal manner for each GPU. The number overwrites the terminal width detection.
--vstats [=arg(=0)] (=0) Select stats to be drawn in a vertical manner for each GPU (default). The number overwrites the terminal width detection.
--help-format [=arg(=1)] Format description for --statsformat
--digits arg Number of digits in hash speed after delimiter
--timeprint [=arg(=on)] (=off) Enables time stamp on short statistics ("on" / "off")
--compactaccept [=arg(=on)] (=off) Enables compact accept notification
--log [=arg(=on)] Enables printing a log file ("on" / "off")
--logfile arg Path to a custom log file location

Ethash Specific Options:

Parameter Description
--ethstratum arg (=ETHPROXY) Ethash stratum mode. Available options: ETHV1: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (Nicehash) ETHPROXY: Ethereum Proxy
--worker arg (=eth1.0) Separate worker name for Ethereum Proxy stratum mode.
--mode arg (=b) Kernel mode to mine on. Comma separated values for configuring multiple cards differently. Use --mode a (faster) --mode b (better energy efficiency). In mixed system select 'a' for skipping over the AMD cards. --mode s Added a split DAG mode for Nvidia GPUs in case that the memory allocation fails on the primary kernels. This will be a bit slower, but improve compatibility, especially for 5G GPUs. Use --mode s to force it.
--lhrv3boost From v1.50 experimental LHR v3 unlock to ~90% (3050) and ~92% (3080 12G) (default enables) Use --lhrv3boost 0 to disable the mode and fall back to ~65% unlock. The experimental mode for LHR V3 seems to sometimes have unstable when starting up with only a reboot solving it - but after a first successful start it is stable - therefore the option to turn it off if you are struggling to start it up too many times. -When configuring the --lhrv3boost via json file, use "LHRV3BOOST" : 1 to set it.
--lhrtune arg (=auto) Offset to most important LHR parameters. If your card is unstable or does not unlock try negative values. Range is +/-40. (old)
--lhrwait arg (=0) Time in seconds to wait after startup before any LHR detection or calibration takes place. (old)
--disable-dag-verify [=arg(=1)] (=0) Disable the CPU side verification and repair of DAG.
--dagdelay [=arg(=0)] (=-1) Delay between creating the DAG buffers for the GPUs. Negative values enable parallel generation (default).
--enablezilcache [=arg(=1)] (=0) Allows 8G+ GPUs to store the DAG for mining Zilliqa. It will generated only once and offers a faster switching.
--benchepoch arg (=440) The DAG epoch the denchmark mode will use

Algorithm Split Options & Dual Mining Options:

Parameter Description
--dualmode arg (=none) Dual mode used. Allowed options: none, zil, zilEx, eth, etc, D-SPLIT, KASPADUAL, ALEPHDUAL,...
--dualpool arg Pool configuration for extra connection, Format :
--dualuser arg Username or wallet address for the extra connection
--dualpass arg Password for the extra connection (Optional)
--dualworker arg (=eth1.0) Separate worker name for the 2nd connection.
--dualtls arg Toggle TLS ("on" / "off") for the 2nd connection.
--dualdevices arg Split rule for etc and beam split mode. Use a comma separated list of indexes or "4G" (default).
--dualfactor arg Solver will be dualfactor * Eth/Etc hash rate. So for example if the factor is 25 and the Eth hash rate is 59.5 mh/s, then the dual hash rate will be 25 times 59.5 mh/s = 1487,5 mh/s. The maximum dual factor at the moment is 64, a value of 0 will disable dual mining on the GPU

Managing Options:

Parameter Description
--watchdog arg (=script) Specify which action to take when a card is detected to be crashed.
"off": Continue working on remaining cards. No action.
"exit": Exit the miner with exit code 42 to ask for a restart. Recommended for Nvidia cards.
"script": Call an external script. Default and recommended for AMD cards.
--watchdogscript arg Specify which script to be executed when a hung GPU is detected
--singlethread [=arg(=-1)] (=-2) Enable single mining thread mode for all GPUs (-1) or for a specific GPU id.
--tstart arg (=0) Minimal temperature for a GPU to start in degree C. If set to 0 disables restart below a fixed temperature.
--tstop arg (=0) Temperature to pause or stop a GPU from mining in degree C. If set to 0 disables stop above a fixed temperature.
--tmode arg (=edge) Mode for temperature management. Use "edge" (default), "junction" or "memory" to set the mode for temperature management.
--ergo-prebuild arg (=-1) Disable (0) or Enable (1) the function of pre-building the dataset for Ergo. -1 refers to the card default.

Overclock Options:

Parameter Description
--cclk arg (=*) The core clock used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--coff arg (=*) The core offset used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--mclk arg (=*) The memory clock only used for KASPA/ALPH to reduce Watts with value 810. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--moff arg (=*) The memory offset used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--pl arg (=*) The power limit used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--fan arg (=*) The % of the fan used for the GPUs. Cards are separated with a comma. "*" can be used to skip a card.
--no-oc-reset To avoid reset the overclock settings applied when ending the miner

lolMiner 1.87



Known issues:

lolMiner 1.86



Driver compatibility for Fishhash and Ton (Gram)

GPU Type Driver Dual Mining Capabilities for Fishhash
AMD RX 400, 500 19.30+ None
AMD RX Vega / VII 22.40+ None
AMD RX 5000 20.40+ Aleph, Karlsen, Radiant, Ton/Gram
AMD RX 6000 20.40+ Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
AMD RX 7000 22.40+ Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia GTX 10 / 16 Cuda 11 Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia RTX 20 / 30 Cuda 11 Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram
Nvidia RTX 40 Cuda 12 Aleph, Karlsen, Pyrin, Radiant, Ton/Gram

lolMiner 1.85_beta



Missing features

lolMiner 1.84



lolMiner 1.83


lolMiner 1.82a



lolMiner 1.82



lolMiner 1.81


lolMiner 1.80a


Note: All AMD Vega and VII cards still need a driver that reports its Driver version as 3261.0 (HSA1.1,LC) or higher. As far as we know all mining operation systems offer a driver packed that is new enough - but it might be this is the latest.


lolMiner 1.79



Notes & Tips:

lolMiner 1.78a



Code IRON: (Only RTH) --dualmode FISHDUAL --dualpool your_pool_IRON --dualuser your_WALLET_IRON.%WORKER_NAME% _yourOC

Code KLS : (Only RTH) --dualmode KARLSENDUAL --dualpool your_pool_KLS --dualuser your_WALLET_KLS.%WORKER_NAME% _yourOC

Code RXD: (Only RTH) --dualmode RXDDUAL --dualpool your_pool_RXD --dualuser your_WALLET_RXD.%WORKER_NAME% _yourOC

lolMiner 1.77b



lolMiner 1.76



lolMiner 1.75



lolMiner 1.74


lolMiner 1.73


Note: All AMD Vega and VII cards still need a driver that reports its Driver version as 3261.0 (HSA1.1,LC) or higher. As far as we know all mining operation systems offer a driver packed that is new enough - but it might be this is the latest.


lolMiner 1.73


Improved Kaspa codes:

Improved Nexa codes:


lolMiner 1.72


lolMiner 1.71



lolMiner 1.70


Hint: Due to recent problems we advice to use the miner with --dns-over-https 0 when connecting to an auto-location pool. Else the pool mirror you receive might not be ideal for your location.

lolMiner 1.69


lolMiner 1.68



Note The alternative Windows version uses a different mechanism to determine the available memory on a Windows system. On most 8G GPUs this will cause the miner to select a smaller dataset table that has only slightly above 2 G. Therefore the alternative version might be a good choice for systems with connected screens or for Nexa / Zil mining using the Zil switching app.

lolMiner 1.67



Note 1: Every code update - in particular when so massive as here - may require re-tuning your oc & uv settings for ideal results and stability.
Note 2: memory locking on Ada gpus is only recommended if the core clock is locked as well and not maxed out - on high core clock in combination with memory locked to 5000 the performance will struggle due to worse memory timings.

General note: The Nexa gpu codes are (and will be in foreseeable future) joint work with Iedoc from BzMiner. Miner fees will be evenly shared regardless of which of these two flavors of the code you prefer.

lolMiner 1.66


(1) Primary focus in optimization were the low to medium range Nvidia Ampere GPUs. The performance of other generations may vary, but certainly improve the next versions.

lolMiner 1.65



lolMiner 1.64


(1) Note: No responsibility taken for the values set. Please use with care. If your mining os had build in functions to set these settings we recommend using them instead of the miner settings.


lolMiner 1.63


(1) Can be higher in case the card was power limited before.


lolMiner 1.62


(1) Only on the 8G+ Intel GPUs: A580, A750 and A770. (2) Beam and Equihash are experimental on Intel GPUs. Also see known issues when running multiple cards. (3) Needs admin / sudo privileges. Tested 460.93 driver and higher. --mclk should only be used to mine core intense coins like Kaspa or Aleph in order to reduce power draw by the memory. Recommended value in this case: 810.


Known issues

lolMiner 1.61



lolMiner 1.60



lolMiner 1.59a


lolMiner 1.58


Tuning advice: On Nvidia Turing and Ampere GPUs this algorithm works best when locking the core clock to desired value (higher gives more performance, lower reduces power draw). We recommend to not set the power limit. Also to save energy, the memory clock can be chosen rather low. On Linux you can use --mclk 810 (but when you change back to an other algorithm you might need to reset this or reboot the rig).

Note: If your OS does not list lolMiner supporting Kaspa only mining yet, use the configuration for TON mining (cause temporarily we will accept --algo TON to mine Kaspa.

lolMiner 1.57



lolMiner 1.56



lolMiner 1.55a



lolMiner 1.54


lolMiner 1.53


Known issues : The miner seems to crash on some Windows machines running ETC+Kas on 4G cards. We are not yet sure why, but we will investigate.

lolMiner 1.52



lolMiner 1.51



lolMiner 1.50

lolMiner has only 0.7% fee on Ethash, 1.5% on Autolykos V2 and only 1%+0% fee on dual mining. You will find no lower ones in the market with this feature set.




lolMiner 1.49



lolMiner 1.48



lolMiner 1.47

Note: at the moment the release is Linux only, because testing the new scheme on Windows will take us some time. Be patient please :)



Important notes about the new LHR unlocker scheme

lolMiner 1.46a



lolMiner 1.45



lolMiner 1.44



Example for --dualdevices and --maxdualimpact Consider a 6 card rig with --dualdevices 4,5 --maxdualimpact 0,0,*,*,*,* This rig will mine:

lolMiner 1.38


(1) A big kudos to Flexpool for helping out with this

lolMiner 1.37

Feature Changes


lolMiner 1.36

Feature updates


lolMiner 1.35

Feature changes

Bug fixes

(1) The new Ergo epochs will increase the size of the data set used for mining by 5% every ~75 days. Some cards might need a bit more core clock to achieve the used performance. Also 2G cards in zombie mode will see a significant reduction in speed, because the data set is more then 2150 MBytes in size now.

lolMiner 1.34a


Note: this is a Linux only release and also of rather temporary character. The added epochs will minimum last until the 1.35 release. After that an update should be made.

lolMiner 1.34

Rework of LHR semi-unlocker (again)

Feature updates


lolMiner 1.33

Core Feature: Complete rework of LHR semi-unlock feature

Other feature changes


lolMiner 1.32a


(1) Thanks to my Spanish mining community for letting me know and the help to track down this issue. (2) Feel free to discuss good tuning values in the discussion section of this release page.

lolMiner 1.31

Fixes (compared to 1.30)

Known issues:

lolMiner 1.3(RG)0

Note: Windows version will follow in a few days. Sorting out driver issues ;)

Further feature changes


Notes: (a) General tuning tip: The dataset generation of Ergo is more core heavy then e.g. for Ethash. Please allow more core clock and accordingly voltage! The mining phase of Autolykos V2 instead is not very power hungry. So the average consumption can still expected to be rather low.
(b) Optimization target were AMD GCN 3 cards with 4G of memory like RX 470, 560, ... (c) In case the miner does not start on older cards, try to increase --keepfree slightly. Personal note: I am aware many would like to mine Ergo+Zil ... this will be possible in future versions, but before I am changing some things how ZIL mining works internally - to make it more flexible to be added to other x + Zil configs :)

lolMiner 1.29

This is a Linux only release

Added the Nvidia 3060 "Unlocker" for Linux. This new mode mode allows to mine at a speed about 3/4 of the maximum speed of this cards. Differences to popular Windows solution:

Read the wiki page about more information and how to install this drivers on your favorite mining OS:

lolMiner 1.28a


lolMiner 1.27


Fixed a stratum error, that caused the "all shares stale" bug when too many reconnect attempts in a row did fail Fixed a crash on Nvidia GPUs when mixing ethproxy and Nicehash stratum modes in dualmodes. Fixed zombie tune values not applied when using json format for configuring Fixed displayed names of RX 6000 generation of cards and RTX 3060 in 460.x drivers.

Deprecation notice

This will be the last release that allows to use the Zombie-Mode in Windows. This is because the current implementation will start throwing invalid shares at some point and also going too slow to be worth using it any more. Furthermore Cuckaroo-29 with 48 cycle length - originally planned for Italocoin - got removed because of the lack of use.

lolMiner 1.26


lolMiner 1.25 goes CUDA!

Added a real Cuda back-end for better Nvidia GPU support on Ethash. Features:

Further Changes (over 1.24a)

Bug fixes

Recommendations for Cuda backend

GPU Range
2070 1000 - 1050
2080 1110 - 1160
3060 (1) 1070 - 1120
3060ti 1300 - 1350
3070 750 - 800
3080 1010 - 1060

(1) Using Windows and Nvidia Driver 470.05 Beta

lolMiner 1.24a

lolMiner 1.22 - 1.24 are Linux only releases that targets improvements of the performance of the zombie mode in the Linux specific code. Therefore the yesterday released version 1.21 will remain the recent release for Windows. Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21.

Bug Fixes

Personal release notes I received quite some requests with problems about Nvidia cards and also if I can add in zombie mode kernels for 4G Nvidias and RX 5500. I need to say I tried, but there are some hurdles that prevented it. I will do better Nvidia codes in the future, but preparing it takes time. That said the Navi cards somehow to not like to zombie tuning at all, that is why they only feature the standard zombie mode. Currently I also can not recommend mixing them into rigs where RX 4xx and 5xx cards run in zombie mode, because that seems to cause stuck systems from time to time. Mixing with 8G cards and do normal mining seems not to be an issue though.

lolMiner 1.23

lolMiner 1.22 & 1.23 are Linux only releases that targets improvements of the performance of the zombie mode in the Linux specific code. Therefore the yesterday released version 1.21 will remain the recent release for Windows. Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21.

lolMiner 1.22

lolMiner 1.22 is a Linux only release that targets improvements of the performance of the zombie mode in the Linux specific code. Therefore the yesterday released version 1.21 will remain the recent release for Windows. Miners that do not have a card using the zombie mode can safely ignore this update - it will behave identical to 1.21.

lolMiner 1.21


Note on Watchdog use There are different reasons why a card might crash and drop to 0 mh/s or g/s or sol/s. Often this happens when the card is slightly too much undervolted, but other problems like heat are possible. Additionally the OpenCL driver of Nvidia cards sometimes crashes with a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCE error - this is rather a software then a hardware thing and will be fixed soon. Anyways: Once a card is crashed some cards - mostly AMD cards - need a system reboot to get the faults card working again. Other cards - mostly Nvidia - just need a closing of the miner program - a few seconds wait time - and then are fine to get going again. Therefore the crashed card detection now allows three different options to proceed with a crashed card or driver:

--watchdog off This will do nothing except for printing a message. If only a single card did crash and not the whole driver this means the other cards will continue mining.

--watchdog exit This will close the miner with a exit code of 42. This can be picked up by the .sh or .bat script that did start the miner (an example is provided in and mine_eth.bat) so the miner will restart after some seconds of pause. This is recommended option for Nvidia cards.

--watchdog script With this option the miner will call an external script (default path is current working directory and there / .bat), which can be configured with --watchdogscript. The moment the script is called the miner itself will exit. The script needs to take care about rebooting the rig or informing the OS what to do. Since this was the default behavior in previous versions it also is the default. In case the script can not be found, an error will be printed and the miner will continue as with --watchdog off.

lolMiner 1.20

Bug Fixes

About the split mining There are two new splitting modes. Read here for configuration:

a) For ETH+ZIL or ETC+ZIL:
Usually when mining ZIL you need to mine ETH on the same pool or you need to rely on a pool proxy forwarding mechanism implemented by the pool. The first case restricts restricts your mining to a single pool while the latter might have the disadvantage of a worse ETH mining latency or pool forwarding instabilities. lolMiner 1.20 and up allow to bypass the situation by adding a second stratum connection that will pick up your ETH (or ETC) shares and bring them directly to the pool you like, while the ZIL shares will be send during the ZIL shard epochs to the ZIL pool.

b) For mining an other algorithm with your 4G cards: Usually miners allow using only one algorithm at a time. With lolMiner 1.20 the miner starts supporting to create two connections to your favorite pools and mine two algorithms within the same miner instance. Concretely this mode was build to mine ETCHASH on some GPUS while others stay on ETH.


lolMiner 1.19

Fixed bugs

lolMiner 1.18a

Bug fixes

Compatibility note: The new zombie-tune parameter has only been tested with amdgpu-pro 20.30 and 20.40. Other drivers might cause issues. Also make sure your mining rig is configured to use PCIe-gen 2 connection to your GPUs.

Example effect of --zombie-tune parameter on the hash rate in Zombie Mode Note: it may be needed to tune each card individually. Tune value of 2 works for most cards, but some do not like the mode, especially when on PCIe-gen1 riser. ztune

lolMiner 1.17

Fixed bugs:

Known issues:

Basic temperature management / overheating protection. Use --tstop to stop any mining operation on a GPU at the given temperature. Use --tstart to allow a restart of the card below a lower temperature. Further you can use --tmode edge/junction/memory to apply the scheme to edge (chip), junction (hotspot) or memory temperature. If a GPU does not have the required sensors the chip temperature will be used as a back up - if no sensors are available at all the parameters will be ignored.

Note that at the moment the miner has no fan control module and also no throttling to keep a target temperature. This may be included in a future version. Thus you should put the limit high enough so the operation system or the driver has a chance to ramp up the fan speed itself. Currently tstop is supposed to be a overheat protection to prevent hardware damage in extreme cases, e.g. broken fans.

lolMiner 1.16a

(1) Note on watchdog use: When the watchdog script is called the miner will stop working on the other cards. If this is not wished use --disablewatchdog. Please make sure the script can be executed with the current user rights / does password-less operations.

lolMiner 1.15

lolMiner 1.14

lolMiner 1.13

(1) (its still not perfect, but way better)

lolMiner 1.12

lolMiner 1.0

lolMiner 0.9.8

lolMiner 0.9.6

lolMiner 0.9.5

lolMiner 0.9.4

lolMiner 0.9.3

lolMiner 0.9.2

Usage of Watchdog Script

In case the miner detects no action of a GPU for at least a minute it will call the included scripts "" (Linux) or "reboot.bat" (Windows) and display a warning message in red. Afterwards the counters are reset. The scripts can be used to trigger a reboot of the rig or to call any other watchdog actions. The miner itself will take no further action and continue operation on the remaining cards.

lolMiner 0.9.1

Edit: support for Fiji was broken, A fix can be found here:

lolMiner 0.9

lolMiner 0.8.7

lolMiner 0.8.6

lolMiner 0.8.4

lolMiner 0.8.3

lolMiner 0.8.2

lolMiner 0.8.1

lolMiner 0.8

lolMiner 0.7

Coin specific changes: