LongDirtyAnimAlf / Reiniero-fpcup

fpcup (and fpclazup) are installers for FPC (and Lazarus).
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Fpcup / fpclazup Original: https://bitbucket.org/reiniero/fpcup/ New (this) : https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/Reiniero-fpcup

Preliminary remark !

Consider using fpcupdeluxe. Its a GUI installer/updater fully based on fpc(laz)up. Easy to use. With the most important options available. See : https://github.com/newpascal/fpcupdeluxe Wiki : http://wiki.freepascal.org/fpcupdeluxe


As of August 28, 2015, this new repo contains all previous commits by Reinier. Many thanks towards user "Arvur" (see forum) for making this possible. Follow the fpcup development on http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,27211.0.html

What is it?

Fpcup and fpclazup are basically wrappers around svn/make on steroids. It tries to use the FPC/Lazarus build process as much as possible.

Fpcup is a tool that gets the FreePascal Compiler (FPC) from its subversion repository and compiles/installs it.

Fpclazup is a tool that gets both the current version of FreePascal Compiler (FPC) and Lazarus IDE from their subversion repositories and compiles/installs them. It adds CHM documentation and configures the Lazarus help for you.

From now on, fpcup ONLY handles FPC.

From now on, fpclazup has the same functionality as the previous fpcup: FPC + Lazarus !

Shortcut on your desktop are created that point to the new (Lazarus) installation.

Meant to be used side by side with other FPC/Lazarus installations. It creates a separate primary config path directory for the new Lazarus installation, so it doesn't interfere with existing Lazarus installs.

It's open source software released under the LGPL with linking exception (same as FreePascal), and contains the Synapse libraries (BSD license). See source files for details. All use permitted, also commercial, but no warranties, express or implied. Run fpcup --help for command line options.


How does it work?

fpc(laz)up is a fancy batch script written in FPC/Lazarus that simply downloads FPC (and Lazarus) from SVN and compiles them ;)

You run it, with options if necessary (see fpclazup --help). When done, it should have

fpcup sets up a separate primary config path to store Lazarus settings separate from other installs. You need to run the script/shortcut because it tells your Lazarus where to find that primary config path.

Hint: after the first run, you can add/remove packages, set up your settings as wanted etc. You can then run fpclazup --only=fpc,lazarus to only update FPC and Lazarus sources which saves time, as you're not rebuilding help, installing packages, etc. Of course, you could run the full version e.g. once per day to make sure all external repositories etc are up to date.

Storing your settings

After running, fpcup creates a batch/shell script file by default to run it again with the same parameters. On Windows, it creates a shortcut on your desktop (e.g. fpclazup_update) with those parameters.

Additionally, you can save the settings in an ini file and call fpclazup --inifile=settings.ini (see the settings.ini example file) The parameters not specified are default settings and can be overruled when calling from the command line:

[general] fpcurl=http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk keeplocalchanges=true

As you can see, parameters like --keeplocalchanges that have no extra arguments on the command line versions are represented by adding =true to the parameter in the ini file. Parameters like fpcurl that do need an extra argument simply have it added.


If you want to compile fpcup from source, please compile hgversion.pas first; this should give a hgversion executable, which is used by the fpcup project build action (Compilation/Execute Before command) to generate the current fpcup version info into revision.inc If you don't do this, you'll probably get incorrect version information in fpcup or compilation problems ("Can't open include file "revision.inc"").

Technical explanation

If you want to improve or extend fpcup, here's a more detailed description of what it does.

Note that some steps will not be executed depending on the modules chosen by the user. By default, all modules will be run; the help module is selected by default and pulls in the useride module. In the 32 bit fpclazup for Windows version, the crosswin32-64 module will be run so users can compile 64 bit applications with Lazarus.

For both fpcup and fpclazup:

  1. Setup, checking/downloading prerequisites: fpcup creates
    • a shortcut on your desktop (Windows, Linux)
    • a home directory shell script to fpcup with all the options you chose, so you don't have to type it all again
  1. Getting and compiling FPC
    • It checks out or updates FPC using Subversion.

For fpclazup only:

  1. Getting and compiling Lazarus
    • It checks out or updates Lazarus using Subversion.
  1. Getting help
    • It compiles the Lazarus lhelp CHM viewer using lazbuild in the newly compiled Lazarus directory
  1. Getting and compiling external modules
    • It reads fpcup.ini and parses the items specified.

Cross compiler extensions

fpc(laz)up has a facility to extend its functionality using cross compiling modules. These are classes that inherit from the fpcup TCrossInstaller class defined in m_crossinstaller.pas

An example is the Windows 32=>Windows 64 cross compile unit in m_crosswin64.pas. Note that this is a simple version, as there is no need for separate binutils and library paths. A similar module is the *nix=>Windows 32/64 modules in m_anyinternallinker_to_win386.pas and m_anyinternallinker_to_win64.pas These modules get registered automatically (using the unit's initialization section) when compiled into the fpcup code. You do need to add the unit to the fpcup.lpr project uses clause though.

To use them, you would specify --cputarget= (e.g. i386, x86_64... the way FPC defines the CPU names) See fpcup -h for possible values --ostarget= (e.g. freebsd, win32,...... the way FPC defines the OS names)

What you want to build e.g. --only=FPCCleanOnly,FPCBuildOnly (or leave this parameter for building FPC and the Lazarus LCL)

If there's a cross compiler available for the combination source+target OS/CPU, it will run. Otherwise you will get an error message.

For any platform that has an internal linker in FPC (FreeBSD, Linux,..) you can run a Windows cross compiler: 32 bit: --cputarget=i386 --ostarget=win32 --only=FPCBuildOnly,LazarusBuildOnly or Windows 64 bit: --cputarget=x86_64 --ostarget=win32 --only=FPCBuildOnly,LazarusBuildOnly When that is done, you can cross compile to Windows using Lazarus.

See fpcup.html for more details on implementing your own cross compilers and other extensions to fpcup.

LCL/FPC/Lazarus limitations

However, there is no provision for separating LCL units for multiple widgetsets. If you compile e.g. GTK2 and QT LCL widgetsets for the same platform, one will overwite the other. This means that fpcup cannot manage multiple widgetsets. If you want to use multiple widgetsets, best practice is to use separated Lazarus directories (option --lazdir in fpcup).

Due to bugs in either the help sources or fpdoc, document generation may fail and generate 0 byte files, especially on FPC2.6.x. Fpcup checks for this and will not overwrite existing files with empty files.


A big problem in designing this utility was to keep systemwide fpc.cfg on Unix/Linux from interfering with our FPC install. It seems the only way around this is to write an FPC proxy (fpc.sh) that explicitly ignores any fpc.cfgs.

To check whether this works: cd ~/

Check system wide settings (look for FPC, FPC version, FPCDIR and UnitsDir:

make fpc_baseinfo | less

Check (look for FPC, FPC version, FPCDIR and UnitsDir:

this should pick up the proper unit path, fpcdir and version from the

fpcup-installed fpc version

make fpc_baseinfo FPC=~//bin/fpc.sh ~//bin/fpc.sh -vut # or something?

Additionally, on both Windows and Unix we add our own binutils directory to the beginning of the path when calling make. This ensures that e.g. existing Delphi or cygwin make.exe does not mess with our installation. This is probably a bigger problem on Windows than on Linux/Unix.


Works for me and others with e.g. FPC fixes_2.6 and Lazarus on Windows and Linux. Testing versions for FreeBSD 9+ x64 and OSX available.


For reporting bugs, suggestions, patches. https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/Reiniero-fpcup/issues