LoopieLLC / Washer-Driver-Portal

The Loopie LLC Washer and Driver Portal to open a communication channel between Loopie washers and drivers.
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Loopie, LLC Washer/Driver Portal: README

The Loopie washer/driver portal is a platform for Loopie washers and drivers to track and perform operational tasks relating to the Loopie laundry order lifecycle. The Loopie washer/driver portal is a culmination of 4 subsequent tools: the washer portal which provides functionality pertaining to washer responsibilities, the driver portal which provides functionality pertaining to driver responsibilities, load tracking of a Loopie laundry load, and a centralized governing administrative portal that oversees administrative operations pertaining to all of the mentioned fields.

Washer Portal

The washer portal allows a Loopie washer to create a unique account in which they can provide personal information about themselves, their washing and drying machines, and their load capacity. The washer portal also allows washer to provide their availability for the day, how many loads they are available to take, and which loads they currently have. This information is shared with drivers and creates an automated line of communication between the washer and the driver. This helps remove the need for a centralized governing body to control the communication between washers and drivers. Using the washer portal, a Loopie washer can also set their availability to wash loads for the day.

Driver Portal

The driver portal allows a Loopie driver to create a unique account in which they can provide personal information about themselves, their car and car insurance, and loads they currently posses. In the driver portal, a driver can view the location of all active washers during a given time slot, and whether or not they are accepting loads. The driver portal allows active drivers to view any loads that need to be picked up, either from a washer or from a client. This way, a driver can simply log into the Loopie washer/driver portal and view any available loads from pickup or drop-off, without needing to directly communicate with the washer or Loopie HQ. Using the driver portal, a Loopie driver can also set their availability to driver for the day.

Load Tracking

Load tracking is a major part of the Loopie washer/driver portal. With load tracking, we can see who has and has had their hands on a load. Loads have an associated washer, driver, and client. This gives Loopie the ability to see a load at all times, safeguarding against load mixups or lost loads. In future versions of the application we hope to provide the client with live load tracking.

Admin Portal

The admin portal acts as a centralized governing tool between the above pieces that allows an administrative user to create, update, and destroy users and loads. The administrative portal also allows an administrator to view application-wide statistics and trends. Via the administrative portal, an admin can accept and decline pending users with access to the other portals and can view all past and current loads.

Getting Started

This application is built on a Debian based Linux distribution (Ubuntu 16.0.4) features the Ruby on Rails framework, MySQL for database management, Nginx as the web server, and Puma as the application server.

Ruby version 2.5.1
Rails version 5.2.1
Puma version 3.12.0
Nginx version  1.10.3
MySQL version 14.14, Distribution 5.7.23

For dependency management this application uses Bundler.

Bundler version 1.17.1


To run this application on your machine first you need to install the necessary Ruby and MySQL versions. When installing Ruby, I like to use RVM (Ruby Version Manager). It is a good tool to use when building multiple Ruby applications that use their own specific sets of tools and dependencies. To install RVM and Rails on Ubuntu 16.04 follow the steps below.

sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev
gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install 2.5.1
rvm use 2.5.1 --default
ruby -v

Next we need to install the Bundler dependency manager. To do this run,

gem install bundler

Next we need to install Rails 5.2.1 and MySQL. Here is a good tutorial that describes the steps for installing Rails and MySQL.



To this application up and running in a development environment you need to 1) clone the Git repository, 2) set up your local databases, 3) install the necessary gems, and 4) test locally using the rails server.

  1. You need to clone the Loopie Washer-Driver-Portal into a directory on your local machine. If you have not cloned a git repository before you can follow this guide:
  1. To set up the development and test databases you need to create a new MySQL user where newuser=loopiellcdev and password=password. Then grant loopiellcdev privileges:
mysql> CREATE USER '<newuser>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO '<newuser>'@'localhost';

Establish a connection using those credentials in the MySQL console and then create 2 new databases.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE washerportaldev;
mysql> CREATE DATABASE washerportaltest;

This should set you up for the later rails database migration.

4) Before we can run our application in a development environment we need to install all of the necessary dependencies. Open a terminal in the root project directory and run the command

bundle install

This tells Bundler to install all gems listed in the application's Gemfile. If you get any errors during the installation, examine the console and fix them. Once Bundler is done installing necessary gems, we need to run a database migrations to generate the necessary tables in our test and development databases. To do this run the following command in the root project directory

rails db:migrate
  1. After the bundle install and the rails migration, you should be ready to run the application in development mode on your local machine. To do this open a terminal in the project's root directory and run the command
rails server

Open your browser (preferably Chrome or Firefox) and open localhost:3000. If everything is working correctly the welcome page of the application will render and you can start fiddling around and developing!


For testing, we are using a number of


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