trying to run lora_gateway on stm32mp1 host, all tests are passed except write/read burst with BUFF_SIZE >= 16.
Read returns array with the different first element, after first element all data equals to data from written array.
Tried to change k[x].cs_change, but it did not help.
lgw_spi_wb:283: MUX: 0 TARGET 0 ADDR: 0002 SIZE: 2
lgw_spi_wb:332: BURST WRITE: to trans 2 # chunk 2 # transferred 2
Note: SPI burst write success
lgw_spi_rb:361: MUX: 0 TARGET 0 ADDR: 0004 SIZE: 16
lgw_spi_rb:412: BURST READ: to trans 16 # chunk 16 # transferred 16
Note: SPI burst read success
error during the buffer comparison
Written values:
67 C6 69 73 51 FF 4A EC 29 CD BA AB F2 FB E3 46
Read values:
84 67 C6 69 73 51 FF 4A EC 29 CD BA AB F2 FB E3
trying to run lora_gateway on stm32mp1 host, all tests are passed except write/read burst with BUFF_SIZE >= 16. Read returns array with the different first element, after first element all data equals to data from written array. Tried to change k[x].cs_change, but it did not help.