Lora-net / lora_gateway

Driver/HAL to build a gateway using a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1301 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.
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  (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo

LoRa Gateway project

  1. Core library: libloragw

This directory contains the sources of the library to build a gateway based on a Semtech LoRa multi-channel RF receiver (a.k.a. concentrator). Once compiled all the code is contained in the libloragw.a file that will be statically linked (ie. integrated in the final executable).

The library also comes with a bunch of basic tests programs that are used to test the different sub-modules of the library.

  1. Helper programs

Those programs are included in the project to provide examples on how to use the HAL library, and to help the system builder test different parts of it.

2.1. util_pkt_logger

This software is used to set up a LoRa concentrator using a JSON configuration file and then record all the packets received in a log file, indefinitely, until the user stops the application.

2.2. util_spi_stress

This software is used to check the reliability of the link between the host platform (on which the program is run) and the LoRa concentrator register file that is the interface through which all interaction with the LoRa concentrator happens.

2.3. util_tx_test

This software is used to send test packets with a LoRa concentrator. The packets contain little information, on no protocol (ie. MAC address) information but can be used to assess the functionality of a gateway downlink using other gateways as receivers.

2.4. util_tx_continuous

This software is used to set LoRa concentrator in Tx continuous mode, for spectral measurement.

2.5. util_spectral_scan

This software is used to scan the spectral band in background, where the LoRa gateway operates.

2.6. util_lbt_test

This software is used to test "Listen-Before-Talk" channels timestamps.

  1. Helper scripts

3.1. reset_lgw.sh

This script must be launched on IoT Start Kit platform to reset concentrator chip through GPIO, before starting any application using the concentrator.

  1. Changelog




WARNING: Systems which do not have the patch will be more prone to packet loss over time, when the crystals of the end-devices will be ageing and have more frequency offset.




Note: The provided LBT feature has been validated for Japan only, and supports 8 downlink channels maximum.


WARNING: If you are using a Semtech SX1301AP2 ref design (GW1.5), the FPGA must be reprogrammed with one of the images provided with this release (fpga/ dir).








WARNING: Known issue: a problem with carrier leakage calibration has been seen on 433MHz boards.


/!\ warning: Kerlink 868 27dBm gateway includes a FPGA that MUST be programmed before running any application


/!\ warning: due to start delay compensation being implemented, TX that were previously 1.5ms late will be sent on time. At low datarate, this is not an issue. At high LoRa data rate (and FSK) you might have to adjust your timing.










v1.0.0 (from beta 8)

Beta 8 (from beta 7)

Beta 7 (from beta 5)

Beta 6

Private release, not taken into account in that changelog.

Beta 5 (from beta 4)

Beta 4 (from beta 3)

  1. Legal notice

The information presented in this project documentation does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Semtech assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect improper installation, repair or improper handling or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified range.

SEMTECH PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF SEMTECH PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE UNDERTAKEN SOLELY AT THE CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the customer shall indemnify and hold Semtech and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs damages and attorney fees which could arise.