LordFetznschaedl / CS2Retake

GNU General Public License v3.0
55 stars 11 forks source link

CS2Retake 2.2.0

Implementation of a Retake plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp



Command Parameter Description Permissions
!guns opens up the gun menu for the allocator system
!retakeinfo prints the plugin information
!retakespawn <index (integer)> teleports the player to the given spawn index @cs2retake/admin
!retakewrite writes the spawns of the current map to the corresponding map config @cs2retake/admin
!retakeread reads the spawns of the current map from the corresponding map config @cs2retake/admin
!retakescramble scrambles the teams after the round is finished @cs2retake/admin
!retaketeleport <X (float)> <Y (float)> <Z (float)> teleports player to the given coordinates @cs2retake/admin
!retakeaddspawn <2/3 - 2 = T; 3 = CT> <0/1 - 0 = A; 1 = B> creates a new spawn @cs2retake/admin


Extract the addons folder to the /csgo/ directory of the dedicated server.

release 2.2.0:

future releases:

plugin base config

location: addons\counterstrikesharp\configs\plugins\CS2Retake.json

  //PlantType Options: AutoPlant, FastPlant
  "PlantType": "AutoPlant",

  //RoundTypeMode Options: Sequence, Specific, Random
  "RoundTypeMode": "Sequence",

  //Configuration for RoundTypeMode Sequence
  //Played from top to bottom
  //AmountOfRounds -1 is for all remaining rounds in the map
  //Available RoundType Options: FullBuy, Pistol, Mid, Undefined
  "RoundTypeSequence": [
      "RoundType": "Pistol",
      "AmountOfRounds": 5
      "RoundType": "Mid",
      "AmountOfRounds": 3
      "RoundType": "FullBuy",
      "AmountOfRounds": -1

  //RoundTypeSpecific is for a non changing roundtype
  //This will only work if RoundTypeMode is Specific
  //RoundTypeSpecific Options: FullBuy, Pistol, Mid, Undefined
  "RoundTypeSpecific": "FullBuy",

  //Change this to change the way how the allocator system works
  //More allocators coming in the future
  //Allocator Options: Command
  "Allocator": "Command",

  "SecondsUntilBombPlantedCheck": 5,
  "SpotAnnouncerEnabled": true,
  "EnableQueue": true,
  "EnableScramble": true,
  "EnableSwitchOnRoundWin": true,
  "ScrambleAfterSubsequentTerroristRoundWins": 5,
  "MaxPlayers": 10,
  "TeamBalanceRatio": 0.499,
  "EnableThankYouMessage": false,
  "EnableDebug": false,
  "ConfigVersion": 5

special thanks:

splewis: This plugin is inspired by his retake plugin for CSGO

