Louie1505 / trendsdotnet

Unofficial C# wrapper around the Google Trends API (https://trends.google.com/)
MIT License
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Unofficial C# wrapper around the Google Trends API (https://trends.google.com/). Handles authentication and returns data either in a complex object or as the raw JSON returned from the API. Functionality to compare a collection of terms over a timeline, breakdown interest in terms by region, or retrieve top related queries (ie search suggestions) for a set of terms.


Install via PMC: Install-Package trendsdotnet or by browsing for trendsdotnet in Nuget package manager.

View on Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/trendsdotnet

Endpoint Descriptions (Taken from Google Trends)

Interest over time

Returns numbers representing search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means there was not enough data for this term.

Interest by region

See which term ranked highest in each region during the specified time frame. Values are scaled from 0 to 100, where 100 is the region with peak popularity, a value of 50 is the region where the term is half as popular, and a value of 0 means that term was less than 1% as popular as the peak.

Related queries

Users searching for your term also searched for these queries. Scoring is on a relative scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly searched query, 50 is a query searched half as often as the most popular query, and so on.

Example usages

All functions require a TrendsClient creating:

using(TrendsClient client = new TrendsClient()) {...

Interest over time

Store the terms to be compared in a string array

string[] terms = new string[] { "Google", "Bing" };

Either retrieve the raw JSON data from the API, to be used as needed. Dates and resolution are optional, and default the the below.

string json = await client.GetInterestOverTimeJSON(terms, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now, Resolution.WEEK);

OR recieve the data parsed into a complex object. Dates and resolution are optional, and default the the below.

InterestTimeline data = await client.GetInterestOverTime(terms, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now, Resolution.WEEK);

InterestTimeline data points contain Averages which are average relative scores for the terms, and DataItems which are data points of the collection in time order. All scores are in the order the terms were entered, ie data.DataItems[x].Values[0] is the score of the 1st term and data.DataItems[x].Values[1] is the score of the 2nd when comparing 2 terms.

Interest by region

Store the terms to be compared in a string array

string[] terms = new string[] { "Google", "Bing" };

Either retrieve the raw JSON data from the API, to be used as needed. All parameters but terms are optional, and default the the below.

string json = await client.GetInterestByRegionJSON(terms, DateTime.Parse("2004-01-01"), DateTime.Now, Resolution.COUNTRY, DataMode.PERCENTAGES);

OR recieve the data parsed into a complex object. All parameters but terms are optional, and default the the below.

RegionInterestMap data = await client.GetInterestOverTime(terms, DateTime.Parse("2004-01-01"), DateTime.Now, Resolution.COUNTRY, DataMode.PERCENTAGES);

RegionInterestMap contains MapData with a collection of RegionData data points, each of which contains the RegionCode and RegionName, as well as Values which are average relative scores for the terms. All scores are in the order the terms were entered.

Related Queries

One term per request so no need to create an array of terms

Either retrieve the raw JSON data from the API, to be used as needed. Dates are optional, and default to the below.

string json = await client.GetRelatedQueriesJSON("Google", DateTime.Parse("2004-01-01"), DateTime.Now);

OR recieve the data parsed into a complex object. Dates are optional, and default to the below.

RankedQueryList data = await client.GetRelatedQueries("Google", DateTime.Parse("2004-01-01"), DateTime.Now);

RankedQueryList contains Keywords which is array of Keywords, each of which contains the Query and a Value which is a relative score for the term.