Louis-CharlesBiron / DesktopSingux

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convertToExeTEMP/ allows to convert .ps1 -> .exe (will be removed once we have all definitive .exe)

DesktopSinguxDeploy/ contains the app and its deployable means

src/ contains the app's source code and the package.json

back/ contains everything related to the backend scripts/ contains backup/unminified powershell scripts scripts.js contains the minified powershell scripts of scripts/ Client.js represents the connected neutralino app (UI) via websockets server.js is the main backend file

public/ contains everyting related to the frontend assets/ contains images and utility scripts setup.js contains the setup stuff index.js is the main frontent file

neutralino.config.json contains the frontend (UI) configurations

ex/ contains the app runner (ONLY FOR PRODUCTION)

bin/ contains the neutralinojs binaries (for dev i think)